Informations sur le fabricant  

General Radio Co. Ltd.; London

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Nom: General Radio Co. Ltd.; London    (GB)  
Abréviation: general
Produits: Modèles

General Radio Co. Ltd., Twyford Abbey Works, Acton Lane, London NW 10.




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Contributions du forum pour ce fabricant
General Radio Co. Ltd.; London
Discussions: 1 | Publications: 1
Vus: 2291     Répondre: 0
New book about the General Radio Company Limited.
Lorne Clark

An exciting and comprehensive new book about the General Radio Company Limited has just been published. 'A Radiophone in Every Home - William Stephenson and the General Radio Company Limited, 1922 - 1928' by Ian L. Sanders and Lorne Clark, published 2012 by Loddon Valley Press, ISBN 978-0-9570773-0-0 is available now, only from the publishers, and details can be found on their webpage (Google: Loddon Valley Press). The book includes sections on the company's involvement with mechanical television and it even has circuit diagrams of the company's radio receivers. Essential reading for anyone interested in the General Radio Company Ltd. or the facinating life of its founder, Sir William Samuel Stephenson.

Lorne Clark

Pièces jointes

General Radio Co. Ltd.; London
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