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History of the manufacturer  

Lierre; Paris

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Name: Lierre; Paris    (F)  
Abbreviation: lierre
Products: Model types

LIERRE - Laboratoires Industriels d'Études et de Réalisations Radio-Électriques
12 Rue Saint-Maur, Paris 11e (1947)


Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
51 694C ECH42   
46 L-664    
46 L- 964    
46 663    
53 Vobuloscope 111 EAF42  This vobuloscope (wobbulator and scope) was used to align MF circuits and other tuned circ... 
55 Vobuloscope 114 12AT7  Lierre Frequenzwobbler Vobuloscope 114, für die Radioreparatur. Nachfolgegerät zum Vobu... 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Pub 1949tbn_f_lierre_pub_1949.jpg


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