Historia del fabricantes  

Philips Electrical, Lamps, Industrial - Miniwatt; London

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Nombre: Philips Electrical, Lamps, Industrial - Miniwatt; London    (GB)  
Abreviatura: philips
Productos: Modelos Fabricante de válvulas Mayorista de válvulas

Philips Lamps Ltd.
145 Charing Cross Road, London WC2 (1938)
Century House, Shaftesbury Avenue, London WC2 (1939)

Philips Electrical Ltd.
Century House, Shaftesbury Avenue, London WC2 (1947)

Philips Electrical Industries Ltd.
Century House, Shaftesbury Avenue, London WC2 (1947)

Also: Philips Industral (division)

Philips produced receivers and rectifier tubes in Great Britain.

Fundación: 1925

Philips Lamps Limited was formed in 1925 as a private company. [1] At this point, N.V. Philips in Eindhoven held 50% of the shares of Mullard. [2]

In 1939, all assets of the numerous British companies that Philips Netherlands held shares of were transferred to the Philips British Trust to avoid coming under the control of the Custodian of Enemy Property during the war. [2]

After the war in 1947, N.V. Philips reorganized its interest and formed Philips Electrical Industries Ltd. as a holding company. [2] At the same time Philips Lamps Ltd. changed its name to Philips Electrical Ltd. [3]

All mobile radio activities of Philips were acquired in 1996 by Simoco (now Simoco Wireless Solutions) a large company situated in Derby.

Valve production and history:

Philips Lamps Ltd. applied for membership in the BVA in 1929 when they began production of rectifying valves (the scope of the BVA being exenteded at the time to include such products). They were offered Associate Member status, which was later changed to full membership. Philips is later reported as a non-manufacturing member of the BVA. [2]

Other tubes have been largely imported to the UK and were sold under the brands Miniwatt and Dario, mostly by wholesalers. [2]

The first factory was located at New Road, Mitcham and manufacture began in 1932 (1929 according to [2]). Valves/tubes were made bearing the Philips and Condor brands. Very few Condor valves have been found to date.

The factory made TV picture tubes starting in 1949. Philips Research Laboratories (formerly Mullard) in Salford continued operations until 2007.

British Dario tubes are listed under the reseller entry Dario - Impex.

[1] Grace's Guide, entry for Philips Lamps
[2] Monopolies Commission report on the supply of valves, 1948
[3] Advertisement 1947

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Otros detalles de miembros para este fabricante:

Bild von Wolfgang Bauertbn_philips_gb.jpg
Thanks for Mr.Tóth Ferenc, Hungary, Pomáz and Első Zalai Rádiómúzeum Alapítvány, First Zala County Radio Museum Foundation.tbn_nl_gb_philips_2524_reklam_1929~~1.jpg


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