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Salora; Salo

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Name: Salora; Salo    (FIN)  
Laterna, Helsinki || Rhapsody, Helsinki
Abkürzung: salora
Produkte: Modell-Typen

Salora Oy, Salo, was the biggest radio maker in Finland.The company was founded by Fjalar Nordell and Lauri Koskinen in 1928. The original name Radioshop Nordell & Koskinen was later changed Salora Oy. 1983 Salora was sold to Nokia and ceased to operate as an independent company. Later the Salora brand label and the manufacturing facilities changed ownership several times. Now the owner is Salora International BV, Vareseweg 44, 3047 AV Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Gegründet: 1928
Produktion: 1928 -

Radioshop Nordell & Koskinen was founded 1928 in Salo, Finland by Fjalar Nordell and Lauri Koskinen. The brand was named Salora (SALO RAdio) in 1937 and a few years later, 1945, the company itself was also named to Salora Oy.

The first FM radios in Finland were introduced by Salora in 1953. The b/w TV manufacturing started 1957 and the color TV production at the end of the sixties.

Beginning of the 1960s the company diversified to mobile phone manufacturing for the defense forces and fire brigades. Salora entered into the export market in 1966 and by the end of the 1970s more than half of the TV production was exported.

Nokia acquired the majority of Salora Oy on December 1983 and 1989 Salora Oy was merged into the Nokia-Mobira group and Saloras existence as a separate legal entity ended.

Nokia moved the Salora TV production to their Finlux manufacturing plant in Turku, Finland. Nokia decided to concentrate on mobile phones in 1996 and the consumer electronics business including the Salora and Finlux brands as well as the Turku manufacturing plant were sold to Hong Kong based Semi-Tech Corporation.

Semi-Tech went into a bankruptcy in year 2000 and the Turku TV manufacturing plant and Salora brand were sold to Norwegian Otrum Electronics Company. The new company in Finland was renamed back to Finlux. In 2002 the new Finlux company returned back to Finnish ownership. The introduction of flat panel TVs meant an end for the new Finlux and the company went into bankruptcy in 2005.

Albers Trading BV acquired the Salora brand in 2006.

In 2008, international consumer electronics trader Kjaerulff 1 Oy was a licensee of the Salora brand name until Kjaerulff 1 Oy went bankrupt. They provided technical services and sold Salora branded consumer products.

As of 2013, the brand is owned by Salora International BV, Vareseweg 44, 3047 AV Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Diese Firma wurde von Lasse Nirhamo eingebracht.


Weitere Informationen zu diesem Hersteller durch Mitglieder des Radiomuseums:

Salora's advertisement, Captuder from Finnish magazine: Radio 2/1950tbn_fin_salora_mainos__radio_2_1950.jpg
Salora plant in the 1970'stbn_fin_salora_plant_1970s.jpg


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