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Zanussi, Naonis, Rex, Secram; Porcia (PN)

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Name: Zanussi, Naonis, Rex, Secram; Porcia (PN)    (I)  
Abkürzung: zanussi
Produkte: Modell-Typen Anderes

30 Corso Zanussi Lino, 33080 Porcia

Brands: REX, Naonis, Secram, Zoppas, Becchi, Castor, Triplex.

Zanussi bezeichnet sich als "Europas größter Erzeuger für Elektro-Haushaltsgeräte". Genaralvertretung für Österreich durch Zanussi Ges. m.b.H., Österreich, 1060 Wien, Mollardgasse 13 bis 15.

Gegründet: 1916
Produktion: 1960 -

The Zanussi Company began as the small workshop of Antonio Zanussi in 1916. The 26-year-old son of a blacksmith in Pordenone in Northeastern Italy began the business by making home stoves and wood-burning ovens.

In 1933 Antonio Zanussi launched REX, the company's newest trademark at that time, to coincide with a huge media event of the day: the new record for a transatlantic crossing (Gibraltar to New York) with which the Italian liner “Rex” conquered the Blue Riband.

In 1946 Antonio Zanussi died and management of the family business passed to his sons Lino and Guido. Under the leadership of Lino, the company developed into a modern industrial concern and in 1951, with a workforce of over 300.

A factory was opened at Porcia in 1954 and a Study Centre was established to research and design new appliances.

1958 saw the production of the first Zanussi washing machines. The same strategy underlay the creation, a year later, of the company’s Design and research Centre.

In 1959 Zanussi launched the first “Supermarket” fridge with automatic defrosting and two compartments with separate temperature controls.

In 1960, Zanussi started producing TV sets. By 1962, Zanussi exported its products to 60 countries.

The next decade was one of important purchases, with the Becchi, Castor, Zoppas and Triplex brands all joining the Zanussi Group, and of the start-up of manufacturing outside Italy. Zanussi advanced to leadership of the Italian household appliance industry with a 25% market share, and was among the foremost producers in Europe with 10% of sales throughout the continent.

Electrolux acquired the company in late 1984.

Zanussi manufacture products in Italy, Ukraine, Thailand and China.

Diese Firma wurde von Alessandro De Poi eingebracht.


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Quelle: Radioschau Heft 11, 1969, Seite 659tbn_i_rex_zanussi_werbung_1969.jpg


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