Historia del fabricantes  

Ashley Wireless Telephone Co. Ltd.; Liverpool

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Nombre: Ashley Wireless Telephone Co. Ltd.; Liverpool    (GB)  
Abreviatura: ashley
Productos: Modelos

Ashley Wireless Telephone Co. Ltd.
69 Renshaw Street., Liverpool (1922)

Ashley Wireless Telephone Co. (1925), Ltd.
Finch Place, Falkland. Street, London Road, Liverpool. (1925)

Ashley Accessories Ltd.
Ulverston, Lancashire. (1935)



Electric/electronic component & radio manufacturer and distributor from 1922.

Sole agent for ATM manufactured Claritone loudspeakers in the 1920s.

From the late 1930s the company concentrated on manufacturing electric products and from 1988 was part of the German Hager Group.

The range of the company’s products was on display at the All-British Wireless Exhibition at the Horticultural Hall, Westminster, on 30 September 1922 as described in The Wireless World & Radio Review October 7, 1922, page 11.

Fundación: 1922
Producción: 1922 -

A wide range of Radiak products, manufactured by Ashley Wireless Telephone Co., Ltd., of Liverpool, are also displayed on this stand, including wireless receiving apparatus.
The Radiak, 1 to 5-valve unit system, will make a great appeal on account of its simplicity and the easy way in which it is possible to add a unit at a time similar to the way one would add to a sectional bookcase. The Radiak 5 -valve complete unit will be found attractive because of its easy method of operation and adjustment.


Formed around 1922 as Electric/electronic component & radio manufacturers and distributors.[1]

They were sole agents for ATM-manufactured Claritone loudspeakers in the 1920s. [1]

In August 1924 Ashley Wireless Telephone Co. was voluntarily liquidated and the Ashley Wireless Telephone Co. (1925), Ltd. was formed to carry on the business.[3]

In 1935 the company changed its name to Ashley Accessories Ltd. and production moved to Ulverton, Cumbia.

They were one of the four principal makers of powdered iron cored tunning units under the brand Atmalloy in January 1936. [4]

Since 1998 Ashley is a part of the German Hager Group (Hager UK in Telford). Ashley still produces a full range of sockets, switches, lamp holders, and junction boxes.

[1] Wireless World & Radio Review Sep 2, 1922, Page xxx.
[2] Wireless Weekly Oct 15, 1924, Page 11.
[3] Wireless World & Radio Review Aug 20, 1924, Page 609.
[4] Practical & Amateur Wireless Jan 18, 1936, page 555.


Este fabricante fue propuesto por Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014.

[rmxhdet-sp dsp_hersteller_detail]

Otros detalles de miembros para este fabricante:

[1] Wireless World & Radio Review Sep 2, 1922, Page xxx. worldradiohistory comtbn_gb_ashley_1_wireless_world_radio_review_sep_2_1922_page_xxx.jpg
[2] Wireless Weekly Oct 15, 1924, Page 11. worldradiohistory comtbn_gb_ashley_2_wireless_weekly_oct_15_1924_page_11.jpg
[3] Wireless World & Radio Review Aug 20, 1924, page 609. worldradiohistory comtbn_gb_ashley_3_wireless_world_radio_review_aug_20_1924_page_609.jpg
[4] Practical & Amateur Wireless Jan 18, 1936, page 555. worldradiohistory comtbn_gb_ashley_4_practical_amateur_wireless_jan_18_1936_page_555.jpg
Wireless Weekly Oct 3, 1923, page 13. worldradiohistory comtbn_gb_ashley_wireless_weekly_oct_3_1923_page_13.jpg
Wireless World & Radio Review Feb 10, 1923, page iv. worldradiohistory comtbn_gb_ashley_wireless_world_eadioreview_feb_10_1923_page_iv.jpg
Radiak Radio Receivers. Wireless World Oct 7, 1922, page 11 worldradiohistory comtbn_gb_ashley_wireless_world_oct_7_1922_page_11.jpg


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