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Siemens Bros.; London

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Nome: Siemens Bros.; London    (GB)  
Abbreviazione: siemens
Prodotti: Modelli

Siemens Bros. & Co.Ltd.
Woolwich, London SE18
The factory was located at Preston

Siemens in the UK, established in 1865, played a key role in the rise of British electrical technology. From pioneering telegraphy to supplying early power generation, they left their mark. The 20th century saw them expand into diverse areas like railway signaling and telephones. Wartime challenges led to restructuring and mergers, culminating in Siemens Edison Swan. Siemens UK remains a major player, focusing on cutting-edge solutions like industrial automation and smart infrastructure.

Fondata: 1865

A History of Siemens Brothers & Co. in the UK (1865 - 1967)

Early Days and Expansion (1865 - 1900):

  • 1865: Siemens Brothers, founded by William, Werner, and Carl Siemens, sets up shop in England.
  • 1866: William Siemens demonstrates his regenerative furnace process and establishes a factory in Charlton, Kent.
  • 1867: The company receives permission to lay a telegraph cable from England to India via Russia.
  • 1869: Carl Siemens persuades William to build a cable factory in Woolwich.
  • 1880: The business is incorporated as Siemens Brothers & Co. Ltd., with the Siemens brothers remaining directors.
  • 1881: Siemens is not directly involved, but the first public electricity supply in Britain is installed using a Siemens generator.

Growth and Diversification (1880 - 1914):

  • 1884: Siemens Brothers manufactures two transatlantic telegraph cables.
  • 1889: Alexander Siemens becomes Managing Director.
  • 1890s: The company expands into electric lighting, constructing power stations and equipment for ships.
  • 1899: The company is reorganized with new capital and George von Chauvin becomes Managing Director.
  • 1901: Siemens Brothers supplies wireless telegraphy equipment to the Admiralty.
  • 1903: The dynamo works are moved from Woolwich to Stafford.
  • 1906: The company restructures, creating separate entities for dynamo works and electric light/power/traction work.
  • 1908: Siemens and Halske acquire a controlling interest in Siemens Brothers, though this is not publicly known.
  • 1912: A major expansion of the Woolwich factory is completed.

World War I and Beyond (1914 - 1939):

  • 1914: The British government takes over Siemens Brothers & Co. due to its German ownership.
  • WWI: The company focuses on war efforts, producing batteries, cables, and specialized lamps.
  • 1918: The company's articles are altered to prevent enemy ownership of shares.
  • 1919: Siemens Brothers enters the telephone exchange market with its own system.
  • 1920s: Siemens Brothers forms alliances with other companies, sells off portions of its business (e.g., lamp factory), and continues to manufacture cables and telephone equipment.
  • 1924: The company has significant shareholdings in other electrical firms and employs over 5,300 people.
  • 1929: Siemens Brothers & Co. issues shares to Siemens and Halske AG in exchange for equity in the German company.

Later Years and Mergers (1930s - 1967):

  • 1930s: Siemens Brothers continues to manufacture cables, lamps, batteries, and other electrical equipment. It also forms joint ventures with other companies for railway signaling and submarine cables.
  • WWII: The cable company is again taken over by the British government due to its German origins.
  • 1950s: Siemens Brothers sells its remaining German-owned shares and becomes affiliated with Associated Electrical Industries (AEI).
  • 1955-56: AEI acquires the remaining interest in Siemens Brothers, leading to its merger with Edison Swan Electric Co. to form Siemens Edison Swan.
  • 1965: Siemens AG re-establishes a separate UK operation (Siemens United Kingdom).
  • 1967: Siemens Edison Swan is absorbed into GEC following the takeover of AEI.

Key Takeaways:

  • Siemens Brothers & Co. played a significant role in the development of the British electrical industry, contributing to advancements in telegraphy, cables, power generation, and telephone exchanges.
  • The company underwent numerous changes in ownership and structure throughout its history, reflecting the broader political and economic landscape.
  • Despite its German origins, Siemens Brothers & Co. became a vital part of the British electrical infrastructure before ultimately being absorbed into larger conglomerates.

Questo produttore è stato proposto da Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014.


Ulteriori particolari per questo produttore inviate dai soci:

Canadian Electrical News, Jan 1010, Page 43,tbn_gb_siemens_canadian_electrical_news_jan_1010_page_43.jpg

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Siemens Bros.; London
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Siemens Bros.
Hans-Dieter Haase † 5.2.18

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Siemens Bros.; London
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