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Portadyne, (Brand), Dynaport Radio & Television Co. Ltd. (Whittingham Smith, Kew); London

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Name: Portadyne, (Brand), Dynaport Radio & Television Co. Ltd. (Whittingham Smith, Kew); London    (GB)  
Abkürzung: portadyne
Produkte: Modell-Typen

Whittingham, Smith & Co.
4a St. Mary's Square, Ealing, London, WI (1926)
100 Kew Green, Kew, London. (1929)
Portadyne Works, Chase Estate, Park Royal, London, NW (1930)

Portadyne Radio Ltd. (1932)
Portadyne Works, Gorst Road, North Acton, London, NW10 (1933)

Gorst Electrical Co. Ltd.
Portadyne Works, Gorst Road, North Acton, London, NW10 (1936)


Dynaport Radio & Television Ltd.
Portadyne Works, Gorst Road, North Acton, London, NW10 (1937)

Brand: Portadyne

Portadyne radios were manufactured over time from 1926 by the various companies listed above.

All radios were manufactured at the Portadyne Works, Gorst Road North Acton from 1930.

From 1947 all Portodyne radios were manufactured by Dynaport Radio & Television Ltd. until the late 1960s.

Gegründet: 1925
Produktion: 1925 -

Robert Buxton Whittingham founded Whittingham, Smith & Co. circa 1925.[1]

Edward Charles Scott Smith was a partner but it is not clear as to his holding in the company at inception. [2]

In mid-1926 they applied for the Portadyne trademark. [3]

The company manufactured Portadyne portable receivers, advertising four models in the November 10, 1926, edition of Wireless World. [4]

They manufactured portable radios from their factory, Portadyne Works, Chase Estate, Park Royal, London.

Around 1933 Portadyne Radio Ltd. was formed with Whittingham as Chairman & Managing Director and Smith as Managing Director. [2] [5]

Portadyne Radios were advertised by Gorst Electrical Co. Ltd. in 1935. [6]

In 1937 Edward Charles Scott Smith was the managing Director of both Portadyne Radio & Gorst Electrical. [7]

From late 1937 Portodyne radios were manufactured Dynaport Radio & Television Ltd., Portadyne Works, Gorst Road. [7]

[1] Broadcaster & Trade Annual 1933, Page 79.
[2] Broadcaster & Trade Annual 1933, Page 78.
[3] Electrical Review Aug 20, 1926, Page 324.
[4] Wireless World Nov 10, 1926, Page 608.
[5] Wireless & Gramophone Trader Dec 10, 1932, Page 46.
[6] Broadcaster & Wireless Retailer Oct 5, 1935, Page 37.
[7] Broadcaster & Trade Annual 1937,  Page 40.

Diese Firma wurde von Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014 eingebracht.


Weitere Informationen zu diesem Hersteller durch Mitglieder des Radiomuseums:

[1] Broadcaster & Trade Annual 1933, Page 79.tbn_gb_dynaport_1_broadcaster_trade_annual_1933_page_79.jpg
[2] Broadcaster & Trade Annual 1933, Page 78.tbn_gb_dynapor_2_broadcaster_trade_annual_1933_page_78.jpg
[3] Electrical Review Aug 20, 1926, Page 324.tbn_gb_dynaport_3_electrical_review_aug_20_1926_page_324.jpg
[4] Wireless World Nov 10, 1926, Page 608.tbn_gb_dynaport_4_wireless_world_nov_10_1926_page_608.jpg
[5] Wireless & Gramophone Trader Dec 10, 1932, Page 46.tbn_gb_dynaport_5_wireless_gramophone_trader_dec_10_1932_page_46.jpg
[6] Broadcaster & Wireless Retailer Oct 5, 1935, Page 37.tbn_gb_dynaport_6_broadcaster_wireless_retailer_oct_5_1935_page_37.jpg
[7] Broadcaster & Trade Annual 1937, Page 40tbn_gb_dynaport_7_broadcaster_trade_annual_1937_page_40.jpg
Patent Specification 735512.tbn_gb_dynaport_patent_specification_735512.jpg


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