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History of the manufacturer  

Heayberd, London

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Name: Heayberd, London    (GB)  
Abbreviation: heayberd

F.C.Heayberd & Co., Finsbury St., London EC2;


This manufacturer was suggested by Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
GB  35 AC Table Model   Lift up lid revealing dial and controls. 
GB  32 D120   Portable receiver power unit. 120 V/18 mA, 2 V/0.25 A charger; 3 HT outputs 40-100, 100 an... 
GB  32 D150   HT Battery replacement mains unit. 40-110 V, 60-130 V and 150 V. Total current Optional 4 ... 
GB  32 MW1   HT and LT unit for 3 to 5 valve sets. HT; 40-120 V, 175 V and 200 V, 50 mA. LT; 4 V/5 A. 
GB  32 Television Amplifier TA100 MH4  For Driving a Kerr Cell, Baird Grid Cell or neon lamp. A Crater point lamp (Pointolite) ma... 
GB  32 Cathode Ray Exciter Unit T2130 SU2130  Power Supply for Television experimentation. HT Output 230 V, 460 V, 690 V, 920 V and 0-23... 
GB  35 SET HT10   AC mains power supply / battery elimminator. Provides 200 VDC at 100 mA. 
GB  35 SET HT11   AC mains power supply / battery elimminator.  Provides 500 VDC at 120 mA or 400 VD... 


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