History of the manufacturer  

Telsen Electric Co. Ltd.; Birmingham & Manchester

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Name: Telsen Electric Co. Ltd.; Birmingham & Manchester    (GB)  
Abbreviation: telsen
Products: Model types

Telsen Electric Co.
207 Aston Road, Birmingham. (1924 – 1926)

Telsen Electric Co. Ltd.
207 Aston Road, Birmingham. (1926 – 1929)
56 Miller Street, Birmingham (1929 - 1930)
Corner of Philips Street and Thomas Street (1930 – 1934)

Telsen Electric Co.(1935) Ltd.
Fitzgeorge Street, Rochdale Road,  Manchester 9. (1935)

The company produced wireless broadcast receivers, components, and construction kits, and cabinets.

They provided blueprints for the construction of their kitset receivers and around 1933/4 produced a radio magazine The Telsen Radiomag of which only 6 editions are known. [1]

The company traded until the late 1940s.

Founded: 1924
Production: 1924 -

The company was formed by Mr. A. W. Macnamara at 207 Aston Road, Birmingham, in 1924.

In September 1926 Macnamara’s company was registered as a private company, Telsen Electric Co. Ltd. [2]

In 1929 they moved to 56 Miller Street and shortly after moved to their new factory Aston Building, at the corner of Philips Street and Thomas Street.

1n 1930 Macnamara believed the greatest proportion of the current market for radio receivers lies among working-class people who can only be reached by a very keen price appeal and formed Red Star radio with a big marketing campaign to manufacture using Telsen parts and distribute two low-priced radio receivers. Red Star was short-lived and by 1932 had closed and Macnamara concentrated on Telsen.

The company went public in 1932, as a manufacturer of wireless broadcast receivers, components, and construction kits. They had a cabinet-making department turning out polished furniture into which wireless receivers were built, mainly from their own components. They were also buying Bakelite cases from Edwin Elliot in Birmingham.

They produced every component one might require for the building of a wireless receiver at home, including the blueprint layouts to encourage tidy construction of receivers to the Telsen designs. The components were listed in a catalogue, which later became incorporated into the Telsen Radiomag. [1]

This magazine, published in Birmingham by James Cond Publishers, was produced around 1933 or 1934 and ran for six issues of volume one. The size of the magazine increased to A4 size after issue two, as did the price, which was 3d for issue two and 6d for issue three but fell back to 3d for issues five and six. Blueprints were supplied with the larger format magazine as loose sheets. There are no dates on the magazine covers, and it appears that the publication was irregular.

By December 1934 they had insufficient assets to pay their creditors and the company was liquidated. [3]

Also in 1934, Macnamara retired due to poor health.

1935 Telsen was bought by David Rosenfield and the business was moved to Manchester where they continued producing radio receivers, test equipment, and components.[4]

On their stand at the September 1937 Radioolympia exhibition, they displayed:

STAND No. 90.

There are 36 new lines to be seen on this stand, and they range from small components to complete apparatus. There are valve testers, meters, signal generators, capacity analyser, microphones, transformers, and other items, in addition to Universal receivers of the miniature semi-portable type.[5]

In 1947 they were a Listed Exhibitor at the British Industries Fair as manufacturers of radio components. (Olympia, Ground Floor, Stand No. C.1537) [6]

Today, the Aston factory, now The Telsen Centre, has been converted by Midlands Industrial Association Ltd, a registered friendly society to provide Managed Workspace for New Start and small business SME's and managed and let by Prince Warnes Properties [7]

[1] Telsen Radio Mag Vol. No 1. Cover.
[2] Electrical Review Sep 17, 1926, Page 471.
[3] Register of Defunct & Other Companies, 1975, Page 488.
[4] Wireless World Nov 8, 1935, Page A22.
[5] Practical & Amateur Wireless Sep 4, 1937, Page 626
[6] Grace’s Guide to British Industrial History, accessed July 2023.
[7] Wikipedia, accessed July 2023

This manufacturer was suggested by Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
GB  32 MacNamara - The Golden Voice 312 [unstained cabinet] AC2HL  Named after A.W.MacNamara, the Managing Director of Telsen. 
GB  33 474 SP4   
GB  34 3435MV AC/VP1  Similar to the Telsen 3435BV table model which is in a low profile cabinet. 
GB  33 464 AC/S2Pen   
GB  34 3435MH AC/VP1  Similar to the Telsen 3435MV table model which is in a high profile cabinet. 
GB  35 3435BV AC/VP1   
GB  34 3435BH AC/VP1   
GB  34 Radiogram 3435 AC/VP1  Radiogram fitted with the same chassis as the Telsen 3435 AC table radios. 
GB  34 Auto-Radiogram 3435 AC/VP1  Radiogram with automatic record changer fitted with the same chassis as the Telsen 3435 AC... 
GB  30 ACE LF Transformer Ratio 5-1   Telsen ACE LF Transformer Ratio 5-1; 5 screw terminals. 
GB  27 Dual Range Aerial Coil   Dual Range Aerial Coil. Variable selectivity by built in variable condenser in series t... 
GB  32 Red Star PM1HL   


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

[1] Telsen Radio Mag Vol. No 1. Cover.tbn_gb_telsen_1_radio_mag_vol_no_1_cover.jpg
[2] Electrical Review Sep 17, 1926, Page 471.tbn_gb_telsen_2_electrical_review_sep_17_1926_page_471.jpg
[3] Register of Defunct & Other Companies, 1975, Page 488.tbn_gb_telsen_3_register_of_defunct_other_companies_1975_page_488.jpg
[4] Wireless World Nov 8, 1935, Page A22.tbn_gb_telsen_4_wireless_world_nov_8_1935_page_a22.jpg
[5] Practical & Amateur Wireless Sep 4, 1937, Page 626tbn_gb_telsen_5_practical_amateur_wireless_sep_4_1937_page_626.jpg
Wireless World Mar 24, 1926, Page A30tbn_gb_telsen_wireless_world_mar_24_1926_page_a30.jpg
Wireless World Nov 13, 1929, Page A3tbn_gb_telsen_wireless_world_nov_13_1929_page_a3.jpg
Wireless World Sep 4, 1929, Page A6.tbn_gb_telsen_wireless_world_sep_4_1929_page_a6.jpg

Forum contributions about this manufacturer/brand
Telsen Electric Co. Ltd.; Birmingham & Manchester
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Telson Radio Components Manchester
Jörg Holtzapfel

Telson, Birmingham war auch in Manchester vertreten (Telson Radio Components) - falls Firma identisch - Birmingham kommt in dieser Anzeige nicht vor.

(Entfernung Birmingham-Manchester ca. 140km)

Quelle: Practical Amateur Wireless, Vol. 7 No. 165, v. 16. November 1935, vorletzte Seite.


Telsen Electric Co. Ltd.; Birmingham & Manchester
End of forum contributions about this manufacturer/brand


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