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Loewe Radio Co., Ltd.; London

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Name: Loewe Radio Co., Ltd.; London    (GB)  
Abkürzung: loewe

Loewe Radio Co., Ltd.,
4, Fountayne Road, Tottenham, London, N.15

The company distributed the German Loewe model OE333 in 1926; in 1928 a British-made version was introduced. 


Diese Firma wurde von Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014 eingebracht.


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Loewe Radio Co., Ltd.; London
Threads: 1 | Posts: 5
Klicks: 2518     Antworten: 4
Loewe in the UK
Roy Johnson

Several announcements were made in 1928 about the manufacture of tubes/valves in England.  A typical one from September 1928 is below.

Is it known whether tubes/valves were ever made in England?   

Are there any Loewe tubes marked "Made in England" ?

Although it would seem that radio sets were at least assembled to a new design in the UK,  It is likely that valves were never made in Britain.   This was probably because the demand for such multiple tubes declined quickly because of the difficulty and cost of manufacture and the associated competition from other manufacturers.  However, any information would be of interest.



Wolfgang Holtmann

Dear Roy

Yes, there are several LOEWE tubes with the marking BRITISH MADE like this one:

Another example is the RNF7 depicted on the tube page.

Kind regards.


Roy Johnson

Dear Wolfgang,

Thank you so much!!   It clears up a puzzle for me as I have not found any firm evidence before in the literature.  I should have looked more closely at the tube picture!

They must be very rare as the quantities manufactured would have been quite small.

Thank you again for the information.

Kind regards,


Wolfram Zylka


Dear Roy,
Enclose you will find an picture from a Loewe EB 100 Radio
manufactured for? or in? Great Britain There is the above mentioned valve
in use.
The cabinet is a little bid different from the German version.
Technical it is similar.
Best wishes


Wolfram Zylka


The Rectifier Valve Type 10 NG is also British Made
Best regards
Wolfram Zylka
Loewe Radio Co., Ltd.; London
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