Informazioni sul produttore  

Cota; København

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Nome: Cota; København    (DK)  
Abbreviazione: cota
Prodotti: Modelli


Cota was a (the?) trademark of Lauritz Christiansen, radio manufacturer and dealer in Kopenhagen.

Fondata: 1930

On July 5th 1929 at 10 o’clock (!) Lauritz Christiansen, manufacturer of radios and parts thereof in Kopenhagen applied for registration of the Cota trademark. It was registered on April 24th the next year for use on radios, loudspeakers and parts therof.

Questo produttore è stato proposto da Bernd P. Kieck.


Ulteriori particolari per questo produttore inviate dai soci:

On July 5th 1929 at 10 o’clock (!) Lauritz Christiansen, manufacturer of radios and parts thereof in Kopenhagen applied for registration of the Cota trademark. It was registered on April 24th the next year for use on radios, loudspeakers and parts therof. Source: Registrerings-tidene for Vare og Fællesmærker, 1930 nr. 15


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