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Electronica; București - Bucharest

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Name: Electronica; București - Bucharest    (RO)  
Abkürzung: electronic
Produkte: Modell-Typen Anderes

Uzinele Electronica
Str. Balculul 82, Sectorul 2, București

The full name in ca. 1970 is "Electronica - Întreprinderea industrială de stat pentru piese de radio și televizoare și electronică industrială" = State-owned Industrial Enterprise for Radio and Television Parts and Industrial Electronics.

Gegründet: 1960
Produktion: 1960 - 1990

In 1960 Fabrica Radio Popular change their name into Uzinele Electronica as a result of expanding and modernizing their activities, adding new facilities for semiconductor and capacitor production.

The first transistor radios are made under French license, Solistor S593T and Sport S605T. Later models with their own design are e.g. Litoral S594T and Turist S605T2.

In 1961 the company made the first black and white Romanian TV set VS43, also under French licence. A Color TV set followed in 1964.

After restructuring and subdivisions, the company made parts and assemblies for home appliances from 1990 onwards. Another division operated in plastic technology.


Weitere Informationen zu diesem Hersteller durch Mitglieder des Radiomuseums:

Thanks for Mr. Gömör Géza, Hungary, Budapest and Első Zalai Rádiómúzeum Alapítvány, First Zala County Radio Museum Foundation.tbn_ro_tehnoton_albatros_logo.jpg
Original manual.tbn_ro_electronic_neptun_logo.jpg
Original manual.tbn_ro_electronic_s643a_manual.jpg
Original manual.tbn_ro_electronic_s643a_manual4.jpg


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