Historia del fabricantes  

Carad; Kuurne

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Nombre: Carad; Kuurne    (B)  
Carpentier, Ets. G.L.
Abreviatura: carad
Productos: Modelos

Carad was a brand of the Ets. G.L. Carpentier, a small Belgian electronics manufacturer located in Kuurne, near Kortrijk. It existed from 1925 to 1975. At the height of its activities around 1970, the company employed about 400 people.


By courtesy of Wikipedia at 7th May 2009:
Founded by Gabriel Louis Carpentier in 1925, the company manufactured and sold electronical and mechanical components like rotary switches and variable capacitors for radio reception units. The Carpentier family was of the Kortrijk area and active in the flax industry. Later on, Gabriel Carpentier's son Jacques managed the company until it was sold to Thorn in 1971.

Before 1940, Ets. G.L. Carpentier had started producing its own radio receivers like the A525AF under the Carad brand (Carad = Carpentier Radio). The factory buildings were destroyed during the Second World War. After 1945, the company took up its full range of activities again. It developed new radio units, since the mid-1950s also television receivers.

During the 1950s, Ets. G.L. Carpentier developed a line of high-quality audio equipment: amplifiers, tuners and tape recorders.

Tape recorders
While the first tape recorder (the EMR32PA, 1950) used the USA-made SoundMirror BK-416 chassis from the Brush Development Company in Ohio, the R62 (1954/55) was completely their own design, offering at that time a consumer tape recorder with three ebm-papst motors, capstan spindles, three heads, 10" reels and an adjustable azimuth of the playback head. The R62 was followed by the R53 (1963), the R66 (1966, with transistor circuits), the R59 (1968, stereo) and finally the R73 (1971).

Other audio equipment
During the 1950s and 1960s, the company also produced excellent FM/AM tuners and audio amplifiers. This valve-based audio equipment combined with Garrard or Thorens record players was also proposed in high-end, expensive radiograms like the Chairside and the Pro Arte models featuring the Thorens TD124 with the Ortofon arms and cartridges (the shah of Iran was among the proud owners of a Pro Arte set).

By 1966-1967 a new product line appeared where valve circuitry was replaced by transistor units. These did lack to some extent the originality of the tube units.

Final days
Under growing pressure from low-cost manufacturers, the company got into financial problems and was acquired by the British Thorn group in 1971. The new management was more interested in having a distribution center on the European mainland than in manufacturing expensive upper-end audio. It finally decided to stop the activities in 1975.

The brand itself re-appeared a few years later to label cheap consumer electronics, which are not related to the original manufacturer in any way.

Este fabricante fue propuesto por Bruno Brasseur.

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