History of the manufacturer  

Itax-Radio, R. Defossez; Bruxelles

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Name: Itax-Radio, R. Defossez; Bruxelles    (B)  
Abbreviation: itax
Products: Model types

Établissements Robert Defossez - Radio pour Tous
25 Rue de la Madeleine, Bruxelles (1931)

Éts. Robert Defossez - Itax Radio
144 Avenue Princesse Elisabeth, Bruxelles (1931)

Itax Constructions Radio-Électriques - Éts. Robert Defossez
13 Rue de la Madeleine, Bruxelles (1938)

In 1931, they were general agent in Belgium for the brands:

  • Itax, Issy-les-Moulineaux
  • Layta, Boulogne
  • SERF, Paris
  • S.S.M., Paris
  • N.S.F., Nuremberg
  • "Crystal B", Paris
  • Cambridge, New York
  • A.R.E.D., Budapest
  • Power-Tone, Vienne
  • Y, Budapest

Founded: 1921

This manufacturer was suggested by Bruno Brasseur.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
55 Antenne Universel-Alternatif [SW, MW + LW - tuning capacitor] EF80  Tuned loop antenna plus RF amplifier; aluminium loop; 2 windings; 180° rotation; Ø 300 mm. 
36 365 6A7   
55 W1001   chassis connected to mains. Mains transformer powers heater circuit only. 
50 Antenne Antiparasite - Spiraloïde EF80  Itax tuned loop antenna plus RF amplifier. This model was available in three versions, ... 
32 Super Itax    
50 Antenne Antiparasite - Réglage mono-bouton EF80  Itax tuned loop antenna plus RF amplifier. This model was available in three versions, ... 
36 508C    
53 Antenne Universel-Alternatif [LW + MW, tuning inductance] EF80  Die Antenne ist eine frühere Version der hier bereits gelisteten Universel-Alternatif. Der... 
54 Antenne Antiparasite - Electronic Perfectionné A, A/U, U   Itax tuned loop antenna plus RF amplifier. Two loops:  one loop is fixed (!),... 
54 Antenne Antiparasite - Record   Antenne Antiparasite type record, en forme de cadre photo, pouvant recevoir une photo... 
50 Antenne-Antiparasite - Populaire - spire unique EF80  Itax tuned loop antenna plus RF amplifier. This model has one single loop, it is relate... 
50 Inconnu - Unknown 1   Antenna Adapter (without amplifier). Photo frame for pictures of max. 23 x 17 cm. ... 


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