Informations sur le fabricant  

Wevo; Halen

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Nom: Wevo; Halen    (B)  
Abréviation: wevo
Produits: Modèles

Wevo Radio-Electrische Fabriek, A. Voss-Langendries, Halen (1963).

Fondé: 1930
Fermé: 1979
Production: 1930 - 1979
WEVO was founded around 1930 by a German engineer from Northeim. His name was Wilhelm Voss. He was married to a Belgian woman and he lived in Halen (Belgium). There he founded the manufactory called " Radioelectrische Fabriek Halen" for making radios. The factory was making their own concepts and schematics. They were also making the metal frames and wooden cases themselves. Coils and some components were produced in the manufactory too. Standard-parts like tubes, resistors, capacitors and knobs were bought from Philips and MBLE. The radios were sold under the name WEVO. After 1950 they exported 200 till 250 radios a month to Saudi-Arabia. The manufactory was growing and in 1955 they also produced radio-transmitters and the electronic part for the in Belgium famous DECAP-organs. Later they specialized in television with an own concept and started the production from black and white televisions. Around 1960 there were employed a hundred people. Around 1968 they produced colour televisions but because of the strong competition of multinationals as Philips and others the production had to be stopped. They bought German televisions and sold them under the name WEVO. In 1979 the manufactory was closed down definitely.

Ce fabricant a été suggéré par Bruno Brasseur


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