Informazioni sul produttore  

Baltic; Stockholm

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Nome: Baltic; Stockholm    (S)  
Abbreviazione: baltic
Prodotti: Modelli

Baltic, Aktiebolaget (Baltic-Radio); Stockholm, Sweden: See also AGA-Baltic for later years (fusion mit AGA). Sells fürst (up to summer 1926 [Katalog] about 250'000 plans for radios plus material. Is well established in other countries like Switzerland. Bansi-Ammann, Zürich offers mid 1926 the Baltic Super 10 as the kit KSL10 to CHF 420.-- [362630B, 362626B].
The 'Deutsche Baltic-Radio-Gesellschaft m.b.H.' in Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Babelsberger Str. 13, advertised in 1929 Baltic-Coils 'for all wavelength', parts and mains-operated receivers. They also offered 'detailed catalogues with many circuits'.



Ulteriori particolari per questo produttore inviate dai soci:

Rundfunkjahrbuch 1929tbn_s_baltic_1929_rjadv.jpg
Thanks for the photo, Mr.András Pintér!tbn_s_baltic_k23v_front_dial_logo.jpg

Discussioni nel forum sul questo produttore
Baltic; Stockholm
Argomenti: 1 | Articoli: 1
Visite: 2082     Risposte: 0
Baltic plans for homebrew radios
Hans van der Marel

I have a radio that is similar to the Baltic K18 modell although definitely homebrew.

The owner of that radio ( Christian Adam ) is not sure that it is a modell K18.

In the description of the manufacturer there is a mention of a katalog with plans.

Who has this katalog and is able to add the info to the manufacturers page ?

Kind regards

Hans van der Marel




Baltic; Stockholm
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