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History of the manufacturer  

Air King Products Co.; Brooklyn (NY)

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Name: Air King Products Co.; Brooklyn (NY)    (USA)  
Abbreviation: airking
Products: Model types
Air King Products Co., Inc., 1523-29 63rd St., Brooklyn, N.Y.

Export address : Air King International, 75 West St., New York 6, N.Y.

Trade names Air Queen, Air-King, Atlas, Bell Tone, Just-Rite.

General representative for Switzerland: R. Eichenberger, Zürich.

The name Air King is not mentioned in the book "Radio Manufacturers of the 1920's" by Alan Douglas. It is also not listed in "The Radio Trade Directory, Aug., 1925" nor in "1921 - 1932 Radio collector's Guide" by Morgan E. McMahon. We believe that Air King Products did not manufacture radios before 1932. They became known in 1933 for the Air-King Skyscraper 52 models. Later "Air King" made radios for Silvertone (Sears), GE, and other companies, and also sold radios under their own name.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  36 Royalty 122 6A7   
USA  37 822 6A7  If the the first tube was a 25L6 (metal) then model year 1936 is possible, if it is the... 
USA  37 832 6A7  If the the first tube was a 25L6 (metal) then model year 1936 is possible, if it is the... 
USA  38 907   Oktoden-Reflex-Super; 8 Tasten 
USA  38 910 [10 tubes]   O.-Reflex-S.; 7-2200 m!;var.BBr.; 16 T. 
USA  45 King 6K7  3-band receiver. 
USA  45 502 6A8G   
USA  45 837 6A8G   
USA  35 9T-AC 6K7  The models Air-King 9T-AC, 213 and 409 are export models - at least to Switzerland. they h... 
USA  45 504 6A8G   
USA  35 409 6K7  The models Air-King 9T-AC, 213 and 409 are export models - at least to Switzerland. they h... 
USA  45 506 6A8G   


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Scanned from the Radio Retailing November 1946 page 9.tbn_rr_nov46_p9.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing February 1947 page 57.tbn_rr_feb47_p57.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing January 1947 page 15.tbn_rr_jan47_p15.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing March 1947 page 27.tbn_rr_mar47_p27.jpg
Scanned from the Radio & Television Retailing April 1947 page 45.tbn_rr_apr47_p45.jpg
Scanned from the Radio & Television Retailing May 1947 page 26.tbn_rr_may47_p26.jpg
Scanned from the Radio & Television Retailing June 1947 page 57.tbn_rr_jun47_p57.jpg
Scanned from the Radio & Television Retailing August 1947 page 3.tbn_rr_aug47_p3.jpg

Forum contributions about this manufacturer/brand
Air King Products Co.; Brooklyn (NY)
Threads: 1 | Posts: 6
Hits: 3622     Replies: 5
Unknown model
Mario Coelho

Dear Friends,

I've here some data and photos of an Air-king sent to us by Mr. Antonio Manuel Rodrigues dos Santos. They are here to be upload as a new model.

This radio set is similar to a 1936 Air-King Skyscraper which one can see in
The main visible diferences are :
-The dial scale here has a similar design, but this model  shows BC + LW instead of BC+SW.
-Red cabin
Tubes here are: 6A8 6K7 6Q7 6N6 5W4 6U5
Probably this model is an Export model. Unfortunately the sole reference we have here is "Model 15" written on a label on its Magnavox speaker .

Do you know this model? Should it be an Air-King Skyscraper 15 ? Air-King Skyscraper Export should be ok?
Best Regards
Mario Coelho
Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014

This is apparently the export version of the 770 
just put "Export" into the variant field.


Mario Coelho

Dear Konrad,

Thank you for your prompt reply.

This set is more look like Classic Gallery's.  

In this set  dial scale has an identical design to Classic Radio Gallery's. It has a word map at center. Dial scale of 770 is quite diferent. It has another design including a very visible pointer.

What do you suggest? Air-King Skyscraper 770 Export , or sole Air-King Skyscraper Export?

Best Regards

Mario Coelho

Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014

Welcome, Mario.

I dont care so much for the dial scale. For different bands and different country/continent it is almost always custom made. The classics gallery doesnt tell any model. There is no model named simply Skyscraper.
But another possibility is Lafayette FA-11 (Export). Is there a manufacturer mentioned? 

Radio Attic shows a nice 770 photo, too.

The main differences are the tube lineup and the LW band.

I would in any case relate it to a number which covers the use of a magic eye, i.e. 770 or FA-11. The latter is alredy defined as being red.

Good luck!
and best regards,

Mario Coelho


Yes. There is a license plate which identifies the manufacturer.

 Nothing else is mentioned.

Well. I'ld send it as a Air-King Skyscraper 770 Export. Do you agree? 

Best Regards

Mario Coelho

Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014

Yes, I agree. It is the best at the current state of information.


Air King Products Co.; Brooklyn (NY)
End of forum contributions about this manufacturer/brand


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