History of the manufacturer  

Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Philippines

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Name: Unknown - CUSTOM BUILT: Philippines    (RP)  
Abbreviation: unknown
Products: Model types Tube manufacturer

This manufacturer was suggested by Trev Levick.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
RP  89–99 M&M 16200   IC: ?; Design: Dom Polymer-Technik; ©Mars Inc.2000. 
RP  78 Adar MKL215   Adar MKL215 Solid State AM-FM; Cycle scale, 5 W mains power consumption, made in the Phili... 
RP  76 ADAR M-369    
RP  99 Doublet ID = 234887   Grand Prix Model A100.  Made in Philippines. AM band.  Belt clip on back.  ... 
RP  86 LaPhone Telephone with Digital Clock Radio CP3000   Made in Philippines by SEL 


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