History of the manufacturer  

Detrola; Detroit (MI)

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Name: Detrola; Detroit (MI)    (USA)  
General || Pee Wee || Road Chief || Road Master
Abbreviation: detrola
Products: Model types

Detrola, International Detrola Corp.; 1501 Beard Street, Detroit, Michigan - Trade names Detrola, General, Pee Wee, Road Chief, Road Master, Warwick

Importer for Switzerland: Apco AG; Zürich

During WWII Detrola merged with the International Machine Company, and they assembled military equipment. The new name of the company became International Detrola.

Founded: 1931
Closed: 1948
Production: 1932 - 1947

Like many other radio manufacturers Detrola had remote suppliers for cabinets. One of them was Wolverine and an other known one was Caswell-Runyan in Huntington, Indiana. The latter was later bought by Detrola. Detrola built radios under a variety of private brand names as well as under their own name. As much as 90% of production was private brand names. Detrola was a major supplier of radios for Western Auto, sold under the Truetone brand; and Sears & Roebuck, sold under the Silvertone brand. During WWII Detrola merged with the International Machine Company, and they assembled military equipment. The new name of the company became International Detrola. See more on

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  39 321 6K8G  BK498G=Widerstandsroehre.. Carrying handle. 
USA  40 297 6K8GT  Vibrator 
USA  40 295 1A7  eingeb. Rahmenantenne 
USA  39 X-7G    
USA  35 5W 6A7  Broadcast band: 540 - 1600 kHz; Police band: 1.5 - 4.9 MHz; "Foreign" band: 5.0 - 17.6 M... 
USA  35 5WG 6A7  Stein listed three bands.  
USA  35 5X 6A7  BC (540-1500kHz) and SW (5300-17000kHz) bands. 
USA  35 5Y 6D6  BC and one more band. 
USA  46 626 series [miniature tubes] 12AT6  The model Detrola 626 series is an AC Operated Record Player with 3 Tubes Amplifier and Sp... 
USA  46 626 series [octal tubes] 12SQ7GT  The model Detrola 626 series is an AC Operated Record Player with 3 Tubes Amplifier and S... 
USA  46 626 series [loctal tubes] 14B6  The model Detrola 626 series is an AC Operated Record Player with 3 Tubes Amplifier and Sp... 
USA  47 650   Automatic record changer. Production ended 1948. 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Scanned from the Radio Retailing October 1945 page 69.tbn_detrola_prom_rr_oct45_p69.jpg


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