Historia del fabricantes  

Speed, Cable Radio Tube Corp. / Cable Supply Co.; New York and Brooklyn, NY

Los miembros pueden cargar imágenes de la compañía, logos, anuncios generales (más información en la "AYUDA" de la esquina superior derecha), y añadir textos al historial.
Ambas cosas se mostrarán con su nombre -después de que un administrador haya activado el contenido- y serán exhibidos bajo «Otros detalles...» con el texto también en el foro.
Nombre: Speed, Cable Radio Tube Corp. / Cable Supply Co.; New York and Brooklyn, NY    (USA)  
alternative name:
Cable Radio tube Corp. || Cable Supply Co.Inc.
Abreviatura: speed
Productos: Fabricante de válvulas

Cable Supply Co., Inc.
907 Broadway, New York, NY (1926)
31 Union Square, New York, NY (1926)

Cable Radio Tube Corporation
84-90 North 9th Street, Brooklyn, NY (1929)

Tube brand: Speed

In an advertisement of ca. 1929, the company clains to be "Makers of Radio Tubes since 1924".

See also Tyne page 363 and "70 years of Radio Tubes and Valves" page 79. 

Fundación: 1926

[rmxhdet-sp dsp_hersteller_detail]

Otros detalles de miembros para este fabricante:

Radio Broadcast, Feb. 1926, Page 537tbn_usa_cable_supply_co_speed.jpg
August 16, 1929 The Pittsburgh Press newspaper page 38tbn_usa_cable_radio_the_pittsburgh_press_fri_aug_16_1929.jpg
Pair of Speed tubes that are still useable as they test good.tbn_usa_speed_ux201_2.jpg
Radio Retailer and Jobber 1929tbn_speed_rr_j_july_1929.png
Speed Triple Twin tube advert date unknowntbn_speed_triple_twin.png
Triple-Twin Ad (left side), Electronics, April 1932, pp. 2tbn_ad_speed_triple_twin_apr_1932_1_sm.jpg
Triple-Twin Ad (right side), Electronics, April 1932, pp. 3tbn_ad_speed_triple_twin_apr_1932_2_sm.jpg
Undated tube advertisement c. 1932tbn_speed_undated_c._1932.jpg
Radio Engineering October 1927tbn_speed_radio_engineering_oct.png
Unsourced advertisement c. 1930tbn_speed_unsourced_c.png
Popular Science June 1931tbn_speed_popular_science_june_1931.png
Radio Engineering August 1929tbn_speed_radio_eigineering_august_1929.png
Radio Retailing, Nov. 1926, p.69tbn_usa_speed_tubes1926.png
Radio News October 1927tbn_speed_rn1027.jpg
Advert "Radio-Craft" Jan. 1932, own coll.tbn_speed_radio_tubes.jpg

Contribuciones en el Foro acerca de este fabricante
Speed, Cable Radio Tube Corp. / Cable Supply Co.; New York and Brooklyn, NY
Hilos: 1 | Mensajes: 1
Entradas: 1877     Réplicas: 0
Speed (Cable Radio Tube Corp)
Fin Stewart

The cable Radio Tube Corp was listed as an RCA licencee by the Wall Street Journal

April 8th, 1930 in their "Broad Street Gossip" column.

Speed, Cable Radio Tube Corp. / Cable Supply Co.; New York and Brooklyn, NY
Fin de las contribuciones al foro de fabricante


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