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Fada Radio & Electric Co.; Long Island (NY)

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Name: Fada Radio & Electric Co.; Long Island (NY)    (USA)  
anderer Name:
Andrea-Radio || Nater, Henri, Atlanta-Radio; Zürich
Marke: Fada Neutrola || Fadalette || Motoset
Abkürzung: fada
Produkte: Modell-Typen Marke
Fada Radio & Electric Co.; 30-20 Thomson Avenue, Long Island, New York, former F.A.D.Andrea,Inc. 1581 Jerome Avenue,NY,NY

Trade names Fada, Fadalette, Motoset.

Not to be confused with Andrea Radio Corp (see andrea)

Export to: Generalvertretung Schweiz: 1933 = Atlanta-Radio; Zürich - später Ingenieurbureau Wenger & Cie.; Zürich.

Tube brand Fada. 201A and F257 tubes known.

Gegründet: 1920
From the literature(A.Douglas et al)the following info can be found:

Frank d´Andrea sold this company and its name, and began a new company in 1934 named Andrea Radio Corporation (see Andrea).

Mr.Bruce Hagen made this interesting first hand contribution:

I was a dealer and also a distributor for FADA. And later a dealer and a sales rep for Andrea. At one point Andrea was considering to bring back the FADA logo but I guess someone there didn't approve of the idea which came out of the sales department. I do not think that Mr. Andrea sold F A D Andrea, Inc. but sold a company that he created by the name of FADA Radio & Electric Corporation. I have stock certificates indicating that FA was President of this company in late 1933. I believe that this is the company that was sold to the Boston group that put it into bankruptcy, not F A D Andrea inc. The NY group was apparently headed by Jacob M Marks and they brought the company out of bankruptcy using the name Fada Radio & Electric Company, Inc. JM was President when FADA folded for good in 1955. His title was GM in 1937 or so. The family story is that Mr. Andrea returned to the radio world in 1934 as Andrea Radio Corporation but I tend to believe that it was F A D Andrea Inc as there was a press release in Radio Retailing in 1935 announcing that FA had agreed to rename his company. No mention of from what to what. Then there was a rumor that he started Empire Electric but I've never been able to document that. Bruce Hagen


Weitere Informationen zu diesem Hersteller durch Mitglieder des Radiomuseums:

FADA advertisementtbn_gar_ad_fada_100690_600.png
Scanned from the Radio Retailing January 1946 page 17.tbn_fada_prom_rr_jan46_p17.jpg
FADA advertisementtbn_gar_ad_fada_100690_hdr.png
Firmen-Logo: Fada USA 1929tbn_usa_fada_1929_firmenlogo.jpg
THE FADA FACTORYtbn_usa_fada_factory.jpg
FADA advertisementtbn_gar_ad_fada_100011_full.png
FADA advertisementtbn_gar_ad_fada_100010_full.png
FADA advertisementtbn_gar_ad_fada_100780_600.png
Photo from 1922 The FADA Handbook of FADA-FACTStbn_usa_fadafacts_pg26.jpg
Photo from 1922 The FADA Handbook of FADA-FACTStbn_usa_fadafacts_pg27.jpg
November 1921 Catalog price list. Note: The model number 102-A is listed as the Vacuum Tube Control Panel. In the November 1922 Fada Catalog the model number 102-A is the Horizontal Type Crystal Detector and the Vacuum Tube Control Panel is 103-Atbn_usa_fada_nov_1921_catalog5_sized.jpg
October 1921 The Wireless Age magazine advertisement page 1tbn_usa_fada_ad_oct21wirelessage.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing September 1937.tbn_fada_prom_sep37.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing February 1937.tbn_fada_prom_feb37_p21.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing March 1937.tbn_fada_prom_rr_mar37_p9.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing March 1946 page 19.tbn_fada_prom_rr_mar46_p19.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing April 1946 page 11.tbn_fada_prom_rr_apr46_p13.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing May 1946 page 27.tbn_fada_prom_rr_may46_p27.jpg
FADA-SALES Radio Magazine: Front page Vol. 7 No 11-12, November-December 1929.tbn_fada_december_1929.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing June 1946 page 13.tbn_fada_prom_rr_jun46_p13.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing July 1946 page 5.tbn_fada_prom_rr_jul46_p5.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing August 1946 page 13.tbn_fada_prom_rr_aug46_p13.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing November 1946 page 27.tbn_rr_nov46_p27.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing January 1947 page 17.tbn_rr_jan47_page17.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing February 1947 page 13.tbn_rr_feb47_p13.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing March 1947 page 19.tbn_rr_mar47_p19.jpg
Scanned from the Radio & Television Retailing June 1947 page 2.tbn_rr_jun47_p2.jpg
Scanned from the Radio & Television Retailing June 1947 page 3.tbn_rr_jun47_p3.jpg
Scanned from the Radio & Television Retailing August 1947 page 15.tbn_rr_aug47_page15.jpg
Scanned from the Radio & Television Retailing September 1947 page 15.tbn_rr_sep47_p15.jpg
Radio Broadcast, Apr. 1924, p. 533tbn_usa_fada.jpg
February 1921 Radio News magazine advertisement page 571tbn_usa_fada_audioncontrolpanel_ad_february_1921_radio_news_page_571.jpg
Radio Broadcast, Oct. 1924, p. 527tbn_usa_fada_2.jpg
Scanned from the Fada Folder AD 250-B for 1940.tbn_fada_folder_1940_part3.jpg
Scanned from the Fada Folder AD 250-B for 1940.tbn_fada_folder_1940_part6.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing June 1927 page 16.tbn_rr_june1927_p16_fada.jpg
Scanned from the Radio Retailing October 1928 page 12.tbn_rr_october28_ad_fada_p12.jpg

Forumsbeiträge zum Hersteller
Fada Radio & Electric Co.; Long Island (NY)
Threads: 2 | Posts: 3
Klicks: 2886     Antworten: 1
FADA: from Italy to America and back to Naples
Emilio Ciardiello

FADA was a well known American manufacturer of radio sets in Long Island, NY, from about 1930 to about the mid 1950s. But we also find a smaller FADA active in Naples, Italy, through the thirties. Obviously we could think that this was a scam to take advantage from a worldwide known brand. The story is quite different.

Francesco Antonio De Andrea, an Italian, was the founder of F.A.D.A. in America. FADA is just the acronym of its founder. Its line was distributed in Italy by SIARE, Piacenza. To avoid the expensive customs fees on foreign radio sets, SIARE was licensed to produce in Italy the American line, with the exception of the latest three models. The manufacturing was committed to ‘La Precisa’, a company of mechanical productions in Naples.

The Italian production started in 1933, covering since the beginning several models, from the 5-tube 351 up to the 9-tube 391.

Here is the full article from ‘L’Antenna’, Jan. 15, 1934.

Joe Sousa

Dear Emilio:

Thank you very much for posting this news clarifying FADA's business in Italy.

I performed OCR with ABBYY software on your scan and used the Google translator to read the text in english. See attachment for the spell-checked Italian text and the Google translation with some light editing. 

Best regards,



Klicks: 2644     Antworten: 0
Ursprung Firmenname FADA
Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014
  1 Der Gründer hieß Frank Angelo D´Andrea. Er formte aus den Initialen den Firmennamen FADA. Die Firma brachte im Februar 1923 mit dem Modell 160(A) (genannt "one sixty") als erste einen Neutrodyne-Empfänger (nach Prof. Alan Hazeltine) auf den Markt.
Fada Radio & Electric Co.; Long Island (NY)
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