Informazioni sul produttore  

Angstrem; Zelenograd, Moscow

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Nome: Angstrem; Zelenograd, Moscow    (SU)  
Abbreviazione: angstrem
Prodotti: Modelli Altri

Manufacturer of micro transistor radios "Era", "Majak", "Mikro" in 1965-1969.

Adress now: ANGSTREM Joint Stok Company, Yuznaya promzona, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia, 124460.

Fondata: 1963
Angstrem JSC is the member of RCSA, the core of Rossiiskaya Electronika holding company, participant of the Zelenograd special-status free economic area and the Domestic Electronics Interregional Non-Profitable Partnership.

July 25, 1963 - Angstrem Facility established.
1965 - development of industrial hybrid circuit process.
1973 - first country electronic calculator introduced; beginning of monolithic IC production.
1974 - first domestic microprocessor released.
1975 - 4-Kbit DRAM ICs.
1979 - development of the first single-chip microcomputer with mini-computer functionality.
1979 - ASIC trend in the domestic microelectronics pioneered.
1983 - volume production of 64Kbit DRAM ICs.
1986 - volume production of 256Kbit DRAM ICs.
1988 - country's first 32-bit microprocessor developed.
1989 - prototyping 1M VLSI memory.
1992 - entering the world market.
1993 - public company incorporated.
1995 - 1997 - sub-micron (0.8-1?m) LSI and VLSI production on 150 mm silicon wafers established.
1998 - the billionth IC chip sold to a SE Asian customer.
1998 - Chair of Precision Technology established under a joint project with Moscow Electronic Engineering University targeting best-of-breed microelectronics education.
2000 - ISO 9001 certified.

Questo produttore è stato proposto da Zenonas Langaitis.


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