Historia del fabricantes  

Tecnico Electronics Pty Ltd Sydney

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Nombre: Tecnico Electronics Pty Ltd Sydney    (AUS)  
Tecnico-Aristocrat, Tecnicorda, Pye-Tecnico
Abreviatura: tecnico
Productos: Modelos

Tecnico Electronics Pty Ltd, 13-19 Glebe Street, Glebe, Sydney, N.S.W. This manufacturer used the brands Tecnico-Aristocrat, Tecnico and Pye-Tecnico.

Cierre: 1967

Successor of former ESM = Electrical Specialty Manufacturing Co. and Syme E.S.M. Pty Ltd (Aristocrat brand).

During WW2, Tecnico manufactured products under license to the US Bendix Corporation for military aircraft.  In early September 1951 Bendix and Technico formed a jointly owned company, Bendix-Tecnico Ltd.

Up to around 1950 they used the "Tecnico Aristocrat" brand for domestic radio equipment, after which they used just "Tecnico".

 In 1955 Pye Ltd of Cambridge England bought half of Tecnico's shares. After this time the brand "Pye-Tecnico" was used. The name of the company was changed to Pye Industries Ltd on the 1st of June 1959.

 In September 1967 Pye sold it shareholding to Bendix. See separate listing for Pye.

Este fabricante fue propuesto por Wolfgang Scheida.

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Otros detalles de miembros para este fabricante:

Advertisement from The Australian Womens Weekly, October 5, 1946 Page 39.tbn_aus_tecnico_ad_ww_5_9_46_p39.jpg
Technico & Bendex Advertisement from the Farmer & settler, (NSW) 11 3 1943, P11tbn_aus_tecnico_ad_aircraft_equip_11_3_1843_p11.jpg
Manufacturers ad 1946tbn_aus_tecnico_ad_manfact_broch_1946.jpg
Manufactures brochure from 1946 showing Benix equipment.tbn_aus_tecnico_ad_bendix_manfact_broch_1946.jpg
Notice Bendix and Technico to for Bendix-Technico. The Age(Vic.) 1 September 1951, Page 6.tbn_aus_tecnico_with_bendix_age_vic_1_sept_1951_p6.jpg
Pye sells Technico to Bendix. Canberra times, 19 July 1967, Page 34.tbn_aus_tecnico_pye_sells_can_time_19_7_1867_p34.jpg


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