Historia del fabricantes  

Quad (Brand); Acoustical Manufacturing Co. Ltd.; Huntingdon

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Nombre: Quad (Brand); Acoustical Manufacturing Co. Ltd.; Huntingdon    (GB)  
Abreviatura: quad
Productos: Modelos

S.P. Fidelity Sound Systems
London (1936)

Acoustical Manufacturing Co. Ltd
Huntingdon, Cambs (1936)

QUAD Electroacoustics Ltd.
Huntingdon, Cambs (1983)

IAG House, 13/14 Glebe Road, Huntingdon, Cambs PE29 7DL (2024)

Quad Service
Unit 4, St Margarets Way, Stukeley Meadows Industrial Estate, Huntingdon, Cambs PE29 6EB

Quad: Enduring Legacy of Audio Excellence

Born in 1936, Quad embodies founder Peter J. Walker's passion for sound purity. Despite ownership shifts, its core values endure. The 90s saw innovation with the modular 909 amp and digital-embracing 988.

Entering the 21st century, Quad diversified with sleek designs like the L-ITE speakers and partnered with IAG Group. Today, under IAG, the Vena II amp merges classic and digital, while the Z-2 speaker reflects modern aesthetics with the signature Quad sound.

Fundación: 1936
Producción: 1936 -

Public Address to Hi-Fi Icon: The Enduring Legacy of Quad

Early Days and Pioneering Spirit (1936 - 1949)

Driven by a love for high-fidelity sound, Peter J. Walker (1916 – 2003),  founded Quad in 1936. What began as S.P. Fidelity Sound Systems, crafting public address equipment, soon transformed into Acoustical Manufacturing Co. Ltd. World War II brought about a pivotal moment in 1941, forcing a relocation from London to Huntingdon. This marked a new chapter, as the company shifted its focus to the burgeoning home audio market. The company's first products, the QA12 and QA12/P, were released in 1948. These low-powered mono valve designs offered high sound quality reproduction compared to other products at the time, leading to their adoption by the BBC. In 1949, the company launched the CR corner ribbon loudspeaker, further establishing its commitment to quality and innovation.

Golden Age of Hi-Fi (1950s - 1960s)

The 1950s and 60s saw Quad's rise to prominence with groundbreaking products that set new standards in audio fidelity. In 1951, the QUAD I amplifier stunned the industry with its innovative cathode-coupled design. The QUAD II Power Amplifier followed in 1953, garnering praise for its musicality and control. In 1957, Quad unveiled the QUAD ESL, the world's first full-range electrostatic loudspeaker—a revolutionary achievement that cemented the company's legendary status.

Entering the Transistor Era (1967)

Embracing technological advancements, Quad boldly entered the transistor era in 1967 with the 33 Control Unit and the 303-power amplifier. These remarkable products introduced the novel "Triples" output stage, overcoming thermal instability issues that plagued early transistor designs. Their radical design and performance earned them a prestigious Design Council Award in 1969.

Continued Innovation and Recognition (1975 - 1994)

Quad continued to push boundaries in 1975 with the QUAD 405 "Current Dumping" amplifier. This remarkably innovative circuit topology, considered one of the few truly original amplifier designs, remains a cornerstone of Quad products to this day. The company was awarded the Queen's Award for Technological Achievement in 1978 for this groundbreaking technology.
In 1994, the radical 77 Series introduced the concept of a fully integrated sound system operated by a two-way remote-control system, showcasing numerous new circuit technologies and advanced control software that revolutionized the user experience in consumer audio products.

Navigating Change and Embracing the Future (1995 - Present)

Despite its acquisition by Verity Group plc in 1995, Quad's spirit of innovation persisted. The company introduced the modular QUAD 909 amplifier and the QUAD 988, blending digital and analogue technologies to cater to evolving preferences. Products like the QUAD L-ITE and QUAD S-Series loudspeakers brought sleek design and high-quality sound to modern living spaces, while collaborations with IAG Group ensured continued production and distribution. Today, under the IAG umbrella, Quad continues to bridge the gap between classic analogue and modern digital connectivity with products like the QUAD Vena II integrated amplifier. Recent additions like the QUAD Z-2 bookshelf loudspeaker showcase the brand's ability to adapt to modern aesthetics while retaining its signature sonic character.

Challenges and Looking Forward

The audio landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace, with streaming services, wireless connectivity, and multi-room systems gaining traction. While Quad faces challenges in this diverse market, it remains committed to upholding its legacy of audio purity. By embracing new technologies and integrating them seamlessly into its products, Quad aims to captivate future generations of audiophiles seeking an immersive listening experience.

Beyond Products: A Legacy That Endures

The Quad story extends beyond its impressive product catalogue. Its rich history is documented in the book "QUAD The Closest Approach," offering a fascinating glimpse into the company's journey. Additionally, a dedicated community of passionate audiophiles keeps the Quad spirit alive online and through enthusiast forums. They not only cherish vintage Quad equipment but also eagerly await the brand's future endeavours. Looking back, Quad's achievements are undeniable. From Peter J. Walker's pioneering spirit to its continuous embrace of innovation, the brand has earned its place as a legend in the history of audio. As it navigates the complexities of the modern audio landscape, Quad's dedication to sonic excellence and its ability to adapt while staying true to its core values suggest that its legacy will continue to inspire audiophiles for generations to come, leaving a lasting legacy that serves as a testament to the power of passion, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of audio perfection.


Peter Walker's Words and the Legacy of QUAD:

The Dream of a Distortion less Signal:

Peter Walker, driven by a desire for "The Closest Approach to the Original Sound," famously stated the ideal amplifier would be a mere "straight wire with gain." [1] This quote, often misconstrued as a claim of achievement, underscores his unwavering pursuit of audio fidelity. While acknowledging the limitations of technology, it served as a guiding principle for his innovative spirit.

The Brilliance of the Two-Stage Amplifier:

Recognizing the challenge of low distortion in high-powered amplifiers, Walker introduced a groundbreaking solution in the QUAD 405. His ingenious two-stage design paired a low-powered "error" amplifier, meticulously crafted for purity, with a high-powered stage delivering the necessary output. This unique approach allowed the "error" stage to identify and correct distortions from the powerful stage, minimizing overall distortion even at high volume. This revolutionary concept earned Quad the prestigious Queen's Award in 1978, a testament to Walker's vision and engineering prowess.

QUAD: Acronym and a Philosophy:

Beyond its innovative products, Quad carried a philosophy embedded in its very name. The acronym "QUAD" stands for "Quality Unit Amplifier Domestic," highlighting the company's unwavering commitment to crafting high-quality audio equipment specifically for the home. This philosophy transcended individual models, becoming a guiding principle for generations of Quad engineers and a resonating factor for audiophiles seeking exceptional sound in their domestic spaces.

Beyond Quotes: A Legacy of Excellence:

Peter Walker's quotes offer valuable insights into his pursuit of audio perfection, but they only scratch the surface of Quad's rich history. From the iconic QUAD I amplifier to the revolutionary ESL loudspeakers, the company's dedication to innovation and exceptional sound left an undeniable mark on the world of audio. Even today, Quad continues to evolve, adapting to modern trends while holding onto its core values, ensuring that Walker's legacy of "The Closest Approach" continues to inspire audiophiles for generations to come.


[1] Wireless World Apr 1977, Page 65.

Este fabricante fue propuesto por Georg Richter.

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