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History of the manufacturer  

Portogram Radio Electrical Ind. Ltd.; London

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Name: Portogram Radio Electrical Ind. Ltd.; London    (GB)  
Abbreviation: portogram
Products: Model types

Portogram Radio Electrical Industries Ltd., Preil Works, Saint Rule Street, London S.W.8.


This manufacturer was suggested by Mario Coelho.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
GB  50 RG523 X61M  Auto-changer may be a Collaro Model RC500 or ab EMI type AC100. 
GB  60 Varsity C ECC83  This model was designed for use by schools. It has a high gain amplifier & a microphone in... 
GB  60 Varsity B 6AT6  With Lenco Motor. 
GB  60 Varsity A 6AT6  With collaro RP594 Motor. 
GB  57 Tru3D ECL82   
GB  60 Portotape 8D8  3-speed dual-track tape recorder. Portable tape recorder using a Collaro "Studio" tape mec... 
GB  60 Monotape 8D8  Portable tape recorder using a BSR "Monodeck" tape mechanism. Single speed 3.75 ips, dual ... 
GB  60 Twinette UL84  4 speed single play record reproducer. 
GB  60 HF10 UL84  4 speed single play record reproducer. 
GB  60 Autogram UL84   
GB  60 Gloria Console EL84  4 speed auto change record producer. 
GB  60 Gloria EL84  4 speed auto change record producer. 


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