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History of the manufacturer  

Furzehill Laboratories Ltd.; Hertfordshire

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Name: Furzehill Laboratories Ltd.; Hertfordshire    (GB)  
Abbreviation: furzehill
Products: Model types

Furzehill Laboratories Ltd.
57 Clarendon Rd, Watford, Hertfordshire 10

Furzehill Laboratories, based in Watford, was a major manufacturer of test and measurement equipment and industrial electronics from the 1930s to 1960s, known for products like oscilloscopes, timers, power supplies, and control mechanisms.

Founded: 1927
Closed: 1984
Production: 1937 - 1984

John Hereward Reyner: From Radio Journalist to Laboratory Founder

John Hereward Reyner, a brilliant mind in the early days of radio, wasn't just a gifted designer and journalist, but also the founder of Furzehill Laboratories Ltd.

Early Accomplishments:

At a young age of 24, Reyner published his first book, Modern Radio Communication (1923), showcasing his expertise.[1]

He further impressed by inventing a novel reflex circuit using a frame aerial, documented in Wireless World & Radio Review (April 1924).

His passion for sharing knowledge led him to serve as Technical Editor for Amateur Wireless & Electrics magazine in 1927. [2]

Birth of Furzehill Laboratories:

Around the same time, fueled by his entrepreneurial spirit, Reyner founded Furzehill Laboratories. [1] His passion for radio continued to flourish, as he penned numerous articles for prominent publications like Modern Wireless and Wireless World throughout the 1920s and 30s.

Furzehill's Legacy:

Formally incorporated in 1939, Furzehill thrived under Reyner's leadership as Managing Director until his retirement in 1964. The company left its mark by manufacturing a diverse range of electronic laboratory equipment, contributing to advancements in various scientific fields.

End of an Era:

In December 1984, after a successful run, Furzehill Laboratories Ltd. was struck off the company's register, marking the end of an era for this once-thriving enterprise.

List of some of the books published by John Hereward Reyner.

1923Modern Radio Communication
1936Testing Radio Sets
1937Short-wave radio
1937Television, theory, and practice
1941Cathode-Ray Oscillographs
1958Encyclopedia of Radio and Television
1963Radio & Electronics
1972Radio & Electronics Vol. 2
1974The diary of a modern alchemist
1974Psionic medicine
1975The age of miracles
1979No easy immortality
1980Gurdjieff in action
1981Ouspensky, the unsung genius
1984The Gurdjieff inheritance



[1] International Authors & Writers Who's Who, 1976 Page 499.
[2] Amateur Wireless & Electrics Feb 1927, Page 193.
[3] London Gazette Dec 14, 1984, Page 16971.

This manufacturer was suggested by Wolfgang Scheida.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
GB  47 Oscilloscope 1684B   One of the first oscilloscopes with d.c. coupled amplifiers.9 cm green or blue screen. 0 t... 
GB  38 Audio Oscillator AF1   Beat Frequency oscillator covering 0 to 16000 Hz with a 0 to 500 Hz vernier range control... 
GB  69 Sensitive Voltmeter V250   Furzehill Sensitive Voltmeter V250, Measurement range: 1 mV to 300 V full scale in 12 ra... 
GB  54 High-sensitivity Audio Oscilloscope O-120   Portable 2.75" oscilloscope with high sensitivity (2 mV/cm r.m.s.)  Push-pull plat... 
GB  54 Voltmeter V210   Crystal diode valve voltmeter. Six d.c. ranges (1-300 V full-scale); all except the... 
GB  55 Furzehill Laboratories LF Oscillator G425 EF91  LF Oscillator. Wein Bridge. 1.4 Hz  to 30 kHz in 5 bands. Output typ. 10V. Sine... 
GB  62 DC Double Beam Oscilloscope 0.180   A direct coupled double beam oscilloscope which provides identical amplifiers on each vert... 
GB  62 Spectrum Analyser S.540   The spectrum analyser type S.540 is a panoramic receiver for the installation, testing and... 
GB  49 Valve Voltmeter 378B/2   This Valve Voltmeter has a frequency range from 10 Hz to 500 kHz. Features high sensiti... 
GB  64 Transistor-Voltmeter   This unit has a range from 10 µV to 300 V over a frequency range from 10 Hz to 10 MHz. It... 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

[1] International Authors & Writers Who's Who, 1976 Page 499.tbn_gb_furzehill_1_internationa_authors_writers_who_s_who_1976_page_499.jpg
[2] Amateur Wireless & Electrics Feb 1927, Page 193.tbn_gb_furzehill_2_amateur_wireless_electrics_feb_1927_page_193.jpg
[3] London Gazette Dec 14, 1984, Page 16971.tbn_gb_furzehill_3_london_gazette_dec_14_1984_page_16971.jpg
Amateur Wireless & Electrics Feb 5 1927, Page Covertbn_gb_furzehill_amateur_wireless_electrics_feb_5_1927_page_cover.jpg
Electronic Engineering Aug 1952, Page 19tbn_gb_furzehill_electronic_engineering_aug_1952_page_19.jpg


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