Historia del fabricantes  

Sugden & Co. Ltd., A.R.; Brighouse, Yorkshire

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Nombre: Sugden & Co. Ltd., A.R.; Brighouse, Yorkshire    (GB)  
Abreviatura: sugden-ar
Productos: Modelos

A.R. Sugden & Co. Ltd., Market Street, Brighouse, Yorkshire. Manufacturer of turntables, cartridges, amplifiers, and at least one record lathe. Mostly (all?) the products was named with a leading 'Connoisseur'.

There is NO relation to 'J.E. Sugden & Co. Ltd., Heckmondwike, West Yorkshire'!

Arnold Sugden (born 1912) made receivers and becoming interested in developing transformers. No formal education in electronics. During World War II setting up own engineering firm engaged in precision tools. After war designing pick-ups, beginning with moving steel needle system. Making precision turntables. Demonstrations in London and manufacturing under the name of Connoisseur. Ideas on fine groove recording and design of moving coil cutter head. He was inventor of the main contender to modern stereo vinyl discs. Demonstration of microgroove records in the early 1950s at Sound Recording Association (SRA). Making ceramic cartridge with stereo channels. Thoughts of stereo, and recording with local music groups. In 1985 decline in business leading to eventual closure.

Este fabricante fue propuesto por Georg Richter.

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