Informations sur le fabricant  

Standard-Raadio, J. Rammul; Tallinn, Estonia

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Nom: Standard-Raadio, J. Rammul; Tallinn, Estonia    (EST)  
Abréviation: standard
Produits: Modèles Autres

Standard-Raadio, J. Rammul, elektro-meditsiini aparaadid (1940); Standard-Raadio, J. Rammul (1940); J. Rammul, raadiotehas (1938-39); J. Rammul, raadiotööstus (1936-38); Rammul-Raadio (1935-37); Johannes Rammul, raadio töökoda (1932); Johannes Rammul (1931)

Also manufacturing radiosets with brand name Suprema

Fondé: 1931
Fermé: 1941
Production: 1931 - 1941
The companys founder and sole owner was Johannes Rammul, who worked since 1927 for the music and radio business OÜ Esto-Muusika as head of radio department. He developed radio Standard Neutrodüün, which won many prices at exhibitions. In 1930 he set up his own workshop, but continued his working relationship with Esto-Muusika and sold his radios through that company. Model identification is difficult, since it was not much advertised. Best-known is 1938/39 season, when 2 different battery supplied and 5 grid powered radio sets were on market. The prices ranged from 178 to 260 Crowns. The company grew to one of the biggest radio factorys in Estonia, producing a total of ca 10000 radios. The company merged with RET in 1940-41. Johannes Rammul perished in Siberia.

Ce fabricant a été suggéré par Urmas Tingas


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