Informations sur le fabricant  

ARE Elektrotehnika Tehased AS; Tallinn

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Nom: ARE Elektrotehnika Tehased AS; Tallinn    (EST)  
Abréviation: are
Produits: Modèles Autres

Elektrotehnika Tehased AS ARE (1938-40); AS ARE Tehased (1938); AS ARE, raadioaparaatide tööstus (1936-38); Are Raadiotehas (1935-37); E(ndel). Are, raadioaparaatide tööstus (1935-36).

Fondé: 1932
Fermé: 1941
Production: 1932 - 1941
ARE was founded by Endel Are (until 1935 E. Davidov) in 1932. At first it was a small industry, but in the course of time it grow to one of the biggest radio factories in Estonia. In 1936 Endel Are built a new workshop to the Reimann Street, where OÜ RET also built a new factory a couple of years later. Every season ARE offered wide choise of both grid and battery powered devices. In 1937 the annual production was planned to 4000 radio receivers. ARE-s radio sets had a interesting design, differing from the conventional design which was common in Estonia at that time. In the 1937/38 season, ARE offered radio receiver Võluflööt (Magic Flute) with an electric synchronous clock and radio Muinasmaa (Archaeoland), which had a gramophone, 6+2 valves and cost 480 Crowns. In the 1939/40 season, 5 different battery and 3 grid-powered models were on market. The price ranged from 100 to 245 Crowns. In 1937 the company incorporated, in addition to founder Endel Are, AS Kapsi & Ko and its owner Arnold Kapsi become shareholders. Kapsi & Ko was a electrotechnics business, which sold mainly Philips radios, but it also made radios himself. Later on Endel Are left the company and found a new metallurgical factory, which produced ARE bicycles. ARE made approximately 16000 radio devices. AS ARE merged with RET in 1940-41.

Ce fabricant a été suggéré par Urmas Tingas


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