History of the manufacturer  

Measurement Engineering (Canadian); Toronto

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Name: Measurement Engineering (Canadian); Toronto    (CDN)  
Abbreviation: measurem2
Products: Model types

Measurement Engineering

Label: Canadian

Manufacturer of measurement equipment.


This manufacturer was suggested by Wolfgang Scheida.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
CDN  45 Signal Generator SG-1 6X5  RF generator, 130 kHz to 40 MHz in 5 ranges, intern or extern AM modulation. 
CDN  45 VOM J-60 Selenium-Rectifier  Measuring ranges: Voltage from 0 to 2500 V in 5 ranges AC and DC Current from 0 to... 
CDN  50 Signal Generator SG-1   R.F signal generator covers 140 kHz to 40 MHz in 5 bands. Has internal 400 Hz modulation. 


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