Informations sur le fabricant  

20th Century Electronics, Centronic (Twentieth Century); Croydon

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Nom: 20th Century Electronics, Centronic (Twentieth Century); Croydon    (GB)  
alternative name:
20th Century Electronics
Abréviation: centron
Produits: Fabricant de tube

20th Century Electronics Ltd. - also Twentieth Century Ltd.
King Henry's Drive, New Addington, Croydon (1973)

Trade mark: Centronic

Centronic Ltd.
King Henry's Drive, New Addington, Croydon (1978)

Founded in 1945 as 20th Century Electronics by Gilbert Tomes and Alec Tidmarsh who had worked at Baird Television Ltd. and at Cinema-Television Ltd. The company initially developed a range of photo cells and photomultipliers. Subsequently radiation detection tubes were the main line of manufacture.

The brand "Centronic" later became the company name.

Fondé: 1945
Production: 1945 - 1992

1949 - became limited company in 1949 with Tomes as sole owner
1953 - moved to Croydon, pioneering work in neutron and radiation detectors
1978 - company name changed to Centronic Ltd
1992 (ca.) - ceased manufacture of photomultipliers, cathode ray tubes and mass spectrometers

Ce fabricant a été suggéré par Roy Johnson


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