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Cossor, A.C.; London

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Name: Cossor, A.C.; London    (GB)  
Abkürzung: cossor
Produkte: Modell-Typen Röhrenhersteller

A.C. Cossor Ltd., Cossor House, Highbury Groove, London N.5, England.
A.C.Cossor can trace its roots back to 1859, when it was founded long before radio was discovered. They made thermometers and barometers, specialised electrical glassware, to later include an early cathode ray tube, made in 1902 and "R" valves for use in the later years of WWI at their first factory at Highbury, London.

In 1922, Cossor launched a radically new type of valve which they designed in-house, establishing their name in the frontrunners of radio. They went from strength to strength selling valves and radios kits, diversifying to electronic instruments, including an oscilloscope.
The company initially entered the business of manufacturing radio sets by selling their products in kit form, adopting the slogan "Kings of the Air", later manufacturing for sale, in 1930, their first complete model. The Highbury factory was continuously developed until 1932 when they ran out of space, resulting in a decision to build their second factory, at Leyton, where they made radio cabinets from 1934.

Gegründet: 1859
Produktion: 1927 -
Their household radio set brand name "Melody Maker" , introduced in 1927 for sets in kit form, was continued for 30 years until the late 50s and the odd example from my collection is shown elsewhere. Cossor's first TV receiver was advertised before regular transmissions had started, followed by a new receiver, demonstrated at the 1936 Radio Show. By 1938 they had the model 1210 using a 15 inch tube, very large by standards of the day, giving a picture, from which the model number was derived, of 12 inches by 10 inches. By 1939 Cossor, in common with all other leading manufacturers had joined the war effort, using their specific engineering expertise to develop the radar receiver for the Chain Home UK Radar Defence System. Their experience stood them in good stead, because after WWII they continued successfully in the field of radar. Manufacture of radio sets continued after the war with the number of different models getting less and less and ending with the introduction of tape recorders before the Cossor name petered out in the late 60s.


Weitere Informationen zu diesem Hersteller durch Mitglieder des Radiomuseums:

Advertisement from “The News”, South Australia, August 12, 1929.tbn_uk_cossor_ad_south_australia_1929.jpg
October 15, 1921 The Wireless World magazine page xviiitbn_gb_cossor_oct._15_1921_wireless_world_p_xviii.jpg
Cossor 1937 adtbn_gb_cossor_1937_ad.jpg
British Industries Fair of 1929tbn_gb_cossor_1929_ad.jpg
Cossor TV as from 1955tbn_cossor_1955_tv_ad.jpg
Cossor radio ad from 1955tbn_cossor_1955_radio_ad.jpg
Cossor ad unsourced, December 11th, 1920tbn_cossor_ad_unsourced_dec_11th_1920.png
Wireless World October 1927tbn_cossor_wireless_world_october_1927.png
Wireless Constructor, November 1924tbn_cossor_wireless_constructor_november_1924.jpg
Popular Wireless 4th October 1924tbn_cossorwuncellpw41024.jpg
Amateur Wireless 5. October 1929 Page 472tbn_gb_cossor_werbung_1929.jpg
Wireless Jul 17. 1926, Page 261.tbn_gb_cossor_wireless_jul_17._1926_page_261.jpg
Advert from Australia. Wireless Weekly (Aus) Apr 28. 1933, Page 38.tbn_gb_cossor_wireless_weekly_aus_apr_28._1933_page_38.jpg
Advert from Australia. Wireless Weekly (Aus) Aug 12. 1927, Page 43tbn_gb_cossor_wireless_weekly_aus_aug_12._1927_page_43.jpg
Advert From Australia. Wireless Weekly (Aus) Jun 3. 1927, Page 41tbn_gb_cossor_wireless_weekly_aus_jun_3._1927_page_41.jpg
Wireless Weekly Dec 17. 1924, Page 42tbn_gb_cossor_wireless_weekly_dec_17._1924_page_42.jpg

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Cossor, A.C.; London
Threads: 1 | Posts: 1
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Cossor a famous UK radio manufacturer
Karel Van Doorslaer

Ac Cossor started in 1859 long before the radio days.

Thermometers and barometers were made. The factory was in Highbury,London.

In 1902 the started making tubes.Around 1922 the started selling radios in kit form under the name "King of the air" and "Melody Maker". In 1930 the fist complete radio saw light.The factory became to smal and a second one was build. Radio cabinets were produced here.They were also one of the leading pioneers in valve development.During WW II  the developed the radar reciever for the UK radar Defence system and the continued this ,with succes, after the war.

The producing of radiosets went to the background and ended in the late '60.


Cossor, A.C.; London
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