History of the manufacturer  

Leningrad RAVENSTVO Elektromechanics Works

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Name: Leningrad RAVENSTVO Elektromechanics Works    (SU)  
Abbreviation: lenin-rave
Products: Model types Others

Converted in 1952 from spinning factory "Ravenstvo". For a couple of years was called "Works No. 277" then "RAVENSTVO Elektromechanics Works" producing some home entertainment radio equipment. Current official name - OAO "Ravenstvo".

Founded: 1952

This manufacturer was suggested by Zenonas Langaitis.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
SU  87 Nevskij {Невский} 402   1 integrated circuit, illuminated scale (small searchlight in front), telescopic antenna. ... 
SU  92 Nevskij {Невский} RP-302 {РП-302} К174ХА2  ICs: 1. Illuminated scale (small searchlight in front), telescopic antenna. 
SU  80–85 Nevskij {Невский} 401 К174ХА2  5 transistors + 1 IC. 
SU  80–92 Junga - Юнга    


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Ravenstvo Logotbn_su_ravenstvo_logo.jpg


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