History of the manufacturer  

Binson; Milano

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Name: Binson; Milano    (I)  
Abbreviation: binson
Products: Model types

Esta marca construia Echo units tape delays. Uno de los grupos que usaba algunos de sus modelos (Binson 2, Binson Echorec PE 603-T).

Founded: 1959

This manufacturer was suggested by Jose Luis Campayo-Soriano.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
72 Echorec PE603-T [semiconductors] EM84  Delay time 350-375 ms. See also model PE603T with tubes instead of transistors. Semicon... 
70 Pre Mixer Echo PA602 ECC83  5-Kanal Mixer 
70 PO 601 ECC82  Amplificatore mono.Mono-Verstärker. 
62–71 Echorec 2 T7E ECC83  Echo unit using tape delay. Generatore di ritardi elettronici. Memoria magnetica ... 
63 Pre-mixer echo PA 4 MN ECC83  Preamplificatore Hi-Fi  mixer echo, 4 ingressi con controlli di tono. 
69 Echorec PE603-T [tubes] ECC83  See also model PE603T with transistors instead of tubes. 
66 Echo Export ECC83  Echo unit using tape delay. 
60 Echorec ECC83  Echo unit using tape delay. 
69 Echorec PE603-M ECC83  Im Gegensatz zum Modell PE603-T nur 6 Programmtasten: 4 x Playback-Köpfe einzeln anwählbar... 
62 Echorec Baby 2 ECC83  Binson Echorec Baby. Generatore di ritardi elettronici. Memoria magnetica a disco. Eff... 
56 Amplificatore 3p ECC83  Amplificatore per chitarra, fisarmonica, con effettto vibrato. Pedaliera opzionale (18.... 
72 Echorec PE603-TU-6 EM84  Modello a semiconduttori.  Effetto echo riverbero, 1 testina di registrazione, 6 test... 


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