History of the manufacturer  

Bliley Electric Company; Erie, (PA)

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Name: Bliley Electric Company; Erie, (PA)    (USA)  
Abbreviation: bliley
Products: Model types Others Tube manufacturer

Bliley (Piezo-)Electric Company; West 9th Street, Erie, Pennsylvania; Manufacturer of mainly Xtals as also Xtal based measurement equipment.

Founded: 1930
Founded by F. Dawson Bliley; 2007 activ company as Bliley Technologies Inc.; see

This manufacturer was suggested by Wolfgang Scheida.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  46/47 Crystal Controlled Oscillator (CCO) 1A 12SK7  Type CCO is a crystal controlled oscillator featuring a selection of five common IF freque... 
USA  65 Temperature Stabilizer M03AB   1.000 khz Xtal. 70°C oven. 5 pin base. 
USA  37 Crystal Filter CF 1   465 kHz plug in filter. 
USA  60 BG61AH-5 Crystal   5000.000KC crystal in glass envelope.  Crystal contacts appear to be gold. 


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

By courtesy of - See all the catalogs from 1939 to (almost) today at www This picture is from 1939, page 13.tbn_radio_shack_cat1939_page13.png
Example of a manufactured Xtal by Bliley in WWII.tbn_us_bliley_mfg_company_erie_pa_xtal_wwii.jpg


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