History of the manufacturer  

Elektromechanikai Vállalat (EMV), Budapest

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Name: Elektromechanikai Vállalat (EMV), Budapest    (H)  
Abbreviation: elektromec
Products: Model types Others

Elektromechanikai Vállalat (EMV), Budapest.

Made "Tünde" transistor radios (Orion Collection). Presented at 1958 Bruxelles fair.

Founded: 1952
Production: 1952 -

This manufacturer was suggested by Sándor Selyem-Tóth.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
62 BM Vevő ZB 004-0    
66 SSB Transcevier XD 004   4 fix freq. Dimension: 35 dm3, Endamplifier tubes! 
66 Televisio Transmitter 20/4 kW   Bild transmitter power: 20 kW, Band: Tv II and III. Impedance(in): 75 Ohm, Out: 50 Ohm (s... 
60–63 Minorion 2N219   
61 Tünde 2 (II) [6 Volt] 2SA15   
59–61 Tünde 0 (O) [9 Volt] OC613   
60/61 Tünde 1 (I) [9 Volt] DM70   
65 Pager CA003A/1 OC1044  Wellenbereich unbekannt. 
74 Transistor Tester TR-9504    
75 URH-FM Signal generator MS.12.10   150-175 MHz. 
75 Löketmérő MS.11.10   Deviationmeter: 150-175 MHz. 
75 Power Supply MS.13.10    


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

Thanks for Első Zalai Rádiómúzeum Alapítvány, First Zala County Radio Museum Foundation, Hungary, Zalaegerszeg.tbn_h_elektromec_minorion_reklam.jpg
Source: Magyar Ifjuság, 1958.tbn_h_elektromec_tuende_advert_1958_1.jpg
Source: Magyar Ifjuság, 1958.tbn_h_elektromec_tuende_advert_1958.jpg


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