Historia del fabricantes  

ATEA- Anvers (Antwerp)

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Nombre: ATEA- Anvers (Antwerp)    (B)  
Abreviatura: atea
Productos: Modelos Otros

ATEA was a company specialized in telephone equipment. They later expanded their portfolio to measuring devices (Volt-, Ampere- and KWh-meters). A speaker exists, but it is doubtful if other radio-related products have been manufactured.

Fundación: 1892
Cierre: 2003
1892 company ATE founded (Antwerp Telephone and Electrical works)- 1919 new foundation as the New Antwerp Telephone and Electrical Company ATEA (added A to the name from Antwerp by fusion with the British Automatic Telephone and Electrical company.
1926 cooperation with Automatic Electric from Chicago. 1971 ATEA becomes GTE ATEA after fusion with GTE. In 1986 company becomes Siemens ATEA after takeover by Siemens AG. 2003 name ATEA disappeared and became only Siemens.

Este fabricante fue propuesto por Herman Reynaert.

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