History of the manufacturer  

Telektra akc. spol.; Olomouc

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Name: Telektra akc. spol.; Olomouc    (CS)  
Abbreviation: telektra
Products: Model types

Telektra akc. spol., Smetanova ul. 74, Olomouc. Die Firma produzierte Ausrüstungen für Telefon und Telgrafie sowie Kristalldetektoren und Rundfunkempfänger, u.a Montage von Lizenzradios. Telektra wurde von der Fa. Telegrafia Prag-Pardubice übernommen. Das genaue Datum ist unbekannt.

Founded: 1904
Closed: 1933
Production: 1922 -

Predecessor company for production of wet and dry galvanic batteries was found in 1904 by 2 sellers. In 1906 factory was bought and enlarged by Robert von Lieben. Production was extended to telephone devices and their accessories, like swithces, doorbells etc. for export only. In 1910 factory became a part of  Telefonfabrik A.G. vorm. J.Berliner, Wien,  there were worked upto 120 emloyees. After war and political changes company as Telektra was found on the its basic on 2.12.1919, CS capital 2 milions Kc (5000 stocks per 400Kc). Company has undertaken the Telephonfabriks production - telephone and telegraph equipment. Company Telektra was aquired by Telegrafia in January 1924. The origin production was kept in Olomouc, but under management of Telegrafia. Since 1924 company produced crystal and tube receivers and amplifiers, on the beginning assembled by French tubes, since 1925 by tubes Philips and Elektra. In 1925 Telegrafia transferred production of own radioreceivers too - it means in Olomouc was running a production of two kind of products: Telegrafia and Telektra. The design departments of both companies cooperated very well. The products of Telegrafia were marked by T on the model number beginning, the products of Telektra by R. Caused by economic crisis the production was moved to Telegrafia on 1.1.1932, office on 1.7.1932. Through that Western Electric Company manifetsted interest to by Telektra, company was closed in 1933. 

This manufacturer was suggested by Wolfgang Lill.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
CS  28 R-18 A409   
CS  24 R2   Anschluß für 2 Kopfhörer 3000 Ohm, Eingänge A1, A2, Z (Erde). 
CS  28 R-19 A410   
CS  24 R-22    
CS  25 R-23    
CS  25 R-27    
CS  26 R-3    
CS  25 R-31    
CS  25 R-92    
CS  29 Anodovy zdroj - Rectifier    
CS  24 Krystalka R-1    
CS  28 R-12 A415   


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