Name: | Echo, Vörös Rezső okl. gépészmérnök Rádiólaboratóriuma; Budapest (H) |
Abkürzung: | echo |
Produkte: | Modell-Typen |
Zusammenfassung: |
Echo, Vörös Rezső okl. gépészmérnök Rádiólaboratóriuma; Budapest VII., Verseny utca 2. Owner: Vörös Rezsö és Lamoth Emil. Production of radio devices and kits. |
Gegründet: | 1938 |
Geschlossen: | 1948 |
Produktion: | 1938 - 1948 |
Geschichte: |
Mr. Vörös in 1938 left company Amrad and he founded own one, Echo. He wrote a lot of articles about radio devices, constructions and assembly instructions for radio kits. In 1940 he bought Amrad and it became a part of Echo. After WWII he tried to come to market with new designs, but communistic regime nationalized small enterprices too and created in 1948 a new state workshop for small home electronics service, Rafilm, where Mr. Vörös was on leader position. In 1950 by Nagy Andor, Vörös Rezső and Pulvári Károly was founded Audio Kino és Hangtechnikai Vállalat, but later nationalized. Unfortunately in 1953 he went a few times to jail based on fabricated charge and after 1956 he emigrated to Germany. |
Diese Firma wurde von Sándor Selyem-Tóth eingebracht.
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