History of the manufacturer  

Victoreen Instrument Co.; Cleveland, OH

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Name: Victoreen Instrument Co.; Cleveland, OH    (USA)  
Abbreviation: victoreen2
Products: Model types Others Tube manufacturer

Victoreen Instrument Corp.
2825 Chester Ave., Cleveland, OH  
3800 Perkins Ave., Cleveland, OH 
5806 Hough Ave., Cleveland, OH  
10101 Woodland Ave., Cleveland, OH  



Produced radiation instrumentation, such as Geiger counters, and special vacuum tubes, including electrometer tubes and HV corona voltage regulators.

Founded: 1928
Closed: 1994
Production: 1930 - 1994

Victoreen Instrument Company started in 1928 by John Austin Victoreen, a self-taught engineer, as a group of x-ray dosimeter manufactures. He developed several instruments in the 1930’s but he commented “ no one wanted what he made” so he just put them on the shelf. These early instruments resulted in the early version of the Model 241.
He later received an honorary doctorate in science. Until 1946, they were the only makers of nuclear instruments.

In April 1965, Victoreen announced that it was moving its headquarters and plant from Hough Avenue to 10101 Woodland Avenue.
In August 1968, Victoreen merged with Leece-Neville and formed the Victoreen Leece-Neville (VLN), with a focus on the production of electronics for the marine, military, and transportation industries. VLN was merged into the Sheller-Globe Corporation in 1974, with Victoreen and Leece-Neville becoming separate divisions. The Leece-Neville division was sold to Prestolite Electric in 1987 and the Victoreen division was purchased by an investment group led by George D. O’Neill in October 1990.
Victoreen vacated its Woodland Avenue space in 1994.

This manufacturer was suggested by Emilio Ciardiello.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  62 Radiological Survey Meter CD V-715 Model No. 1A [Victoreen Model 815] 5886  The CD V-715, Model 1A, Victoreen Model 815, is a portable monitoring instrument which mea... 
USA  61 CD V-700 Geiger Counter Model No. 6A 6993  This instrument consist of a geiger tube radiation detector, a regulated high voltage supp... 


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