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Xtal Set Society, The; Lawrence (KS)

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Name: Xtal Set Society, The; Lawrence (KS)    (USA)  
Abkürzung: xtalsets
Produkte: Modell-Typen

The Xtal Set Society; Lawrence, Kansas 66046.

2008 activ see:

Gegründet: 1991
The Xtal Set Society; Lawrence, Kansas 66046. Read their own words on

What is The Xtal Set Society?

The Xtal Set Society, founded in 1991, is dedicated to once again building and experimenting with radio electronics. Our newsletters are packed full of projects and information about Crystal Radios, mostly dealing with design and electronics issues. Each newsletter contains lead articles---and often, a building project and membership correspondence. Our lead articles are written by members of the Society. Occasionally we reprint a hard to find article from the 1920's or 30's. Members are encouraged to send projects and information to the Society and to correspond with each other.

Over the years we have listed vendors and sent our members elsewhere for parts. We came to realize that some of the national outlets for parts were no longer serving our needs, so we searched until we found manufacturers willing to create parts for the society. You’ll find those on our parts page.

Is there really that much to write about Crystal Sets? Yes! Here are some titles from our lead articles over the last few years: The Design of Unpowered AM Receivers The Simple TRF Set; Radio Outfit in a Headset The Den Two Crystal Set; A Crystal Set Revisited/Reconstructed From Crystal Set to Super Heterodyne; Marconi Type 107-A Tuner; Ten Best Crystal Circuits; Grounded Loopstick Tuner; An FM Xtal Set; Crystal Set Driven by a 400 ft Vertical; The Foxhole Set; Two Quaker Oats Radios; The "Cigar Box" Crystal Radio Set; Measuring Coil Capacitance; A Crystal Headphone from a Cat Food Can; Home-Brew Curve Tracer

Do give us a call! When you call, you will not always get an answer (sometimes we are all packing boxes) so do leave us a message and we will call you back ASAP. How to Contact The Society

You can reach us through the regular mail, by e-mail, or by telephone. If you call us while we are in the back room filling orders, you may get our voice mail. We check our voice and e-mail messages regularly, so please leave a message and we will get back to you.

The Xtal Set Society PO BOX 3636 Lawrence, KS 66046 Ph: 405-517-7347

Due to the high volume of spam, we have removed the e-mail address link from this site. Our e-mail is below in a picture. Just copy down the e-mail address and enter it into your e-mail address book, and send us a message! This extra step will keep us from getting massive spam that slows down our response to you.

We welcome your letters, and we enjoy reading the crystal radio stories sent in by radio enthusiasts. The members of the Xtal Set Society enjoy them too, so we include portions of many of our letters in the Membership Correspondence section of the Xtal Set Society Newsletter. We also publish interesting articles submitted by members of the Society, so if you have something that you think other crystal set builders would like to see, please send it in!

Please note: Unless otherwise stated, The Society assumes that submitted articles and other material are fit for print (free of copyright or other infringements) and that by your submittal you have given us your permission to print the material without restriction.

Diese Firma wurde von Wolfgang Scheida eingebracht.


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