Informations sur le fabricant  

Pifco Ltd., Provincial Incandescent Fittings Co. Ltd.; Manchester

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Nom: Pifco Ltd., Provincial Incandescent Fittings Co. Ltd.; Manchester    (GB)  
Abréviation: pifco
Produits: Modèles Autres Fabricant de tube

Provincial Incandescent Fittings Co. Ltd.
Manchester (1902)

Pifco Ltd.
50 Thomas St., Manchester (1905)
49 Thomas St., Manchester (1908)
223 High St., Manchester (1924)
Pifco House, 87 High St., Manchester (1927)

Manufactured gas light fittings etc, later small household appliances, mainly electrical, torches etc. They also made small meters, a simple tube tester and the Rotameter multimeter in the 1930s.

They advertised a blue glass R type tube around 1923-24. Later in the 1930s Pifco also sold automobile lamps, after the war electric decoration lights.

Fondé: 1900

The company was established in 1900 by Joseph Webber to sell tlighting appliances and accessories. The public company Provincial Incandescent Fittings Co. Ltd. was formed in 1902.

Still active in 2008.

Ce fabricant a été suggéré par Konrad Birkner † 12.08.2014


Détails complémentaires fournis par les membres :

Pifco ad 1947tbn_pifco_ad_1947.png
Pifco ad 1967tbn_pifco_ad_1967.png
Pifco cookertbn_pifco_cooker.jpg
Pifco Dec. 1908tbn_pifco_dec_1908.png
Pifco Fairy Lights box c. 1950tbn_pifco_fairy_lights_box.jpg
Pifco October 1927tbn_pifco_october_1927.png
Pifco October 1930tbn_pifco_october_1930.png
Pifco radio ad, 1924tbn_pifco_radio_ad_c._1924.png
Pifco catalog c. 1910tbn_pifco_catalog_c._1910.png
Pifco radio ad, September 1947tbn_pifco_radiometer_september_1947.png
Quelle: Practical Amateur Wireless, Vol. 7 No. 165, v. 16. November 1935, vorletzte Seite.tbn_gb_pifco_public_1935.jpg
Manufacturer documentationtbn_pifco_15_august_1931.png


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