Historia del fabricantes  

Pennsylvania Wireless Mfg. Co., Penna Wireless (Penn-C); New Castle, PA

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Nombre: Pennsylvania Wireless Mfg. Co., Penna Wireless (Penn-C); New Castle, PA    (USA)  
Abreviatura: pennsylwir
Productos: Modelos

Pennsylvania Wireless Mfg. Company (Penna Wireless)
507 Florence Avenue, New Castle, Pennsylvania (1918 Wireless Age listing)
507-511 Florence Ave., New Castle, PA (1922 Wireless Age listing)

Trade name: Penn-C

The name "Penna Wireless" is an often-used abbreviation of "Pennsylvania Wireless". In 1920, Penna Wireless distributes Radisco parts. In 1925 they offer a "Selectedyne" receiver.

The history of Pennsylvania Wireless is largely unknown. In an advertisement they state an incoporation date of 1910.

The address Florence Ave seems to have been their company seat throughout their existence (November 1924, The Radio Trade Directory, under the heading manufacturers of Vacuum Tube Sets on page 82, and also the August 1926 edition of the McGraw-Hill Radio Trade Directory).

Fundación: 1910

Este fabricante fue propuesto por Wolfgang Scheida.

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Otros detalles de miembros para este fabricante:

10th October 1922, New Castle Herald Newspapertbn_usa_pennsylvania_wireless_1922_new_castle_herald_combo.jpg
January 10th 1922, New Castle Herald newspaper. In this clipping from Jan. 1922, the Gilfillan Electric Company 15 South Mercer Street in New Castle claim to be the sole agents of the Pennsylvania Wireless Company.tbn_usa_pennsylvania_wireless_jan._10th_1922_new_castle_herald_page_12.jpg
September 19 1919 New Castle Herald newspaper clipping mentioning the Pennsylvania Wireless Company and the reopening of wireless after WWI.tbn_usa_pennsylvania_wireless_sept._29_1919_new_castle_herald.jpg


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