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Pooley Co.; Philadelphia

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Name: Pooley Co.; Philadelphia    (USA)  
Abkürzung: pooley
Produkte: Modell-Typen

The Pooley Company, 1600 Indiana Avenue, Philadelphia, U.S.A.

According to Pooley Company they started making radio cabinets in 1924 and were the first exclusively designed cabinets of the radio industry. One could even buy Atwater Kent radios in a Pooley cabinet. An example is a "breadboard" model 10 in a cabinet similar to model 112-R-2 (Collection John Terrey). The Pooley "floating horn" loudspeaker was praised even by Mr. A. Atwater Kent.

Some Pooley radios were made by Silver-Marshall/Gilfillan Bros. Inc. or American Bosch. An example for a American Bosch is model 28 (from 1928) in a Pooley cabinet model 7400 (Collection Richard Arnold) which is model 7300 with a stretcher for an Atwater Kent loudspeaker. An example for Silver-Marshall is a 8-tube superheterodyne in 1930, called the "Bearcat".

Since Gilfillan was licensed by RCA, the company did contract with various nonlicensed companies, like Troy, Ravenscroft, Breting etc. We believe that Pooley got at least some sets assembled there.

Nonlicensed companies could design their circuits, order parts, put in a team of people at the Gilfillan plant to assemble the parts onto a chassis, test the radio and have an RCA license attached to the chassis. They could take chassis and speaker and put them in a cabinet of their own.

1928 Pooley was located at the Indiana Avenue in Philadelphia, using a whole city block. Pooley claims in April 1929 that hey have made 600,000 Pooley radio cabinets. They had by then 47 years of experience in designing and producing fine furniture.


Weitere Informationen zu diesem Hersteller durch Mitglieder des Radiomuseums:

ATWATER KENT MODEL 20 Pooley Cabinet Logotbn_atwater_kent_model_20_pooley_cabinet_8154.jpg


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