History of the manufacturer  

American Electronics Co.; New York (NY)

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Name: American Electronics Co.; New York (NY)    (USA)  
Abbreviation: americanel
Products: Model types Others

AMECO - American Electronics Co.; New York 53, N.Y (1950s).
Manufacturer of HAM radio equipment.

Also: AMECO - Division of Aerotron Inc., Raleigh, North Carolina (1968).
Also: AMECO - Ameco Equipment Corp.; 178 Herricks Road Mineola, L.I. New York, a subsidiary (Division) of Aerotron Inc. North Carolina (1960s).


This manufacturer was suggested by Wolfgang Scheida.

Some models:
Country Year Name 1st Tube Notes
USA  75 Ameco Code Practice Oscillator OCM-2   Ameco OCM-2, Code Practice Oscillator; Screw terminals for phones and key. 
USA  66 Ameco Variable Frequency Oscillator VFO-621 6KZ8  The Ameco VFO-621 operates on the 6, 2 and 1.5 meter amateur bands. It will work with any ... 
USA  57 Ameco Code Practice Oscillator CPS-KL CPS-WL CPS-KT CPS-WT 50C5  The Ameco Code Practice Oscillator was avallable either as a kit or wired, and either... 
USA  69 Ameco Code Practice Oscillator OCM   The Ameco OCM is a code practice oscillator and CW monitor. It has screw terminals for key... 
USA  70 Ameco Preamplifier PT-2   Ameco PT-2 Preamplifier; selective preamplifier operates with any receiver or transceiver ... 
USA  65 Nuvistor Cascode Preamplifier PCL-P 6CW4  Ameco PCL-P, Nuvistor Cascode Preamplifier; 1.8 - 54 MHz, range & tuning controls, bypass,... 
USA  66 Ameco 2m Nuvistor VHF Converter CN-144 6DS4  Amateur radio converter (144-146 MHz) down to (28-30 MHz). Requires external power supply.... 
USA  66 Nuvistor Cascode Preamplifier PCL 6CW4  Ameco PCL, Nuvistor Cascode Preamplifier; 1.8...54 MHz, 20 dB, range and tuning ... 
USA  63 Bridge Indicator Unit BIU   The Ameco BIU Bridge Indicator Unit is designed to be used with the Ameco SWB Standing Wav... 
USA  75 SWR Meter 95-128   American Electronics SWR Meter 95-128; 
USA  90 Ameco Preamplifier PT-3   The selective Preamplifier Ameco PT-3 operates with any receiver or transceiver to impr... 
USA  70 Code Practice Oscillator & Monitor CPS-M-T    


Further details for this manufacturer by the members (rmfiorg):

AMECO logo from 1969 QSTtbn_ameco_logo_1969.jpg


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