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Impressum - an offer of the

Stiftung Radiomuseum Luzern
Seeburgstrasse 18
6006 Luzern

E-mail: see contact form

Authorized managing directors

Responsible for the content: Ernst Erb
Register: Commercial Register Office of the Canton of Lucerne, Switzerland
Company identification number UID: CHE-102.039.545
Supervisory authority: City Council of Lucerne, Switzerland

Bank details

Migros Bank AG, Postfach, 8010 Zürich
IBAN: CH44 0840 1000 0700 4885 1

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The Stiftung Radiomuseum Luzern regularly checks and updates the content of its website. Despite our care, we cannot rule out the possibility that individual pieces of information on our website may be outdated or inaccurate. Therefore, we do not assume any liability with regard to the correctness, accuracy, timeliness, reliability and completeness of this information. The Stiftung Radiomuseum Luzern expressly reserves the right to change, delete or temporarily not publish content in whole or in part at any time without prior notice.


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