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Museum finder - Search for nearby museums

The museum you started from is will be listed first. Alternatively you can start from an Individual Position instead from a given museum.
On the map we can only put in the first 99 numbers. The nearest will start with 1, after 99 there will be empty markings.

To map with within 6 mi found 1 Museums

Set Individual Position:
Seleccionar radio de búsqueda: o:

(1) Großfunkstelle Nauen = Geographical starting point of search
14641 Nauen
N52.647722° E12.909791°
N52°38.86332' E12°54.58746'
N52°38'51.7992" E12°54'35.2476"
Nur nach intensiver Absprache, da noch realer Sendebetrieb stadtfindet:
Führungen jeden 1. Mittwoch im Monat: 14 - 16 Uhr.
ACHTUNG: Herzschrittmacher-Trägern ist der Zutritt untersagt.

Nombre del museo Distancia
  Dirección Coordenadas
Horario de apertura

[dsp_museum_nearly.cfm TA2]


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