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More than 297 903 Tube- and Semiconductor Pictures

Every member can upload tube photos.
The tube picture administrator will approve them before they can be seen.

List of the most active uploaders

  1. Günther Stabe † 19.8.20, Germany   (41602)   14.Jul.2020
  2. Emilio Ciardiello, Italy   (25289)   07.Feb.2021
  3. Egon Strampe, Germany   (12416)   11.Sep.2024
  4. Member from Germany   (11878)   26.Aug.2024
  5. Member from Germany   (10430)   03.Mar.2013
  6. Adrian Riesen, Switzerland   (8930)   17.Jul.2024
  7. Fin Stewart, Australia   (7940)   14.Sep.2024
  8. Karlheinz Fischer, Germany   (7594)   11.Aug.2024
  9. Patrice Zeissloff, France   (7448)   21.Jan.2024
  10. Oskar Elm, Germany   (6950)   12.Sep.2024
  11. Peter Pfeiffer, Germany   (5660)   13.Aug.2024
  12. Michael Mischke, Germany   (4990)   05.Aug.2024
  13. Rudolf Osterkamp, Germany   (4910)   15.Mar.2023
  14. Karl - Heinz Bossan, Germany   (4491)   25.Feb.2024
  15. Wolfgang Bauer, Austria   (4430)   26.Jun.2024
  16. Museum Roggenhofer, Austria   (4375)   02.Mar.2016
  17. Peter den Boer, Netherlands   (4373)   27.Jun.2020
  18. Heinz Höger, Germany   (3867)   25.Aug.2024
  19. Peter Hoddow, Germany   (3795)   24.Aug.2015
  20. Jacob Roschy, Germany   (3664)   31.Aug.2024
Only tube administrators are approving new tubes.
Suggestions for new tubes have to be sent to a tube administrator.

For changes in the tube text or for uploading new tubes please write to the tube admin language English: Roy Johnson. The tube picture admin is Peter Steffen. Members will find their e-mail address in the member list.

Please help us so that the following dream becomes reality:
Instead of sitting in front of a great puzzle when untrained radio lovers want to repair a radio they should have help - but how?

The member should be able to click the corresponding model page to see if anyone has already posted any hints (lower part of the page), then print out a schematic and click on the tubes on the model page. For each tube the member could get the base connection picture and the pinout (in case there is no schematic). They place them on the screen in signal path order and print them along with a schematic retrieved from the model page. There we are!

But it depends on you if that can come true or not. I wish you good success, Ernest (HB9RXQ).

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