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List of manufacturers India

List of radio manufacturers: the radio manufacturers of German-speaking countries and a beginning for other countries. Please inform us of other radio manufacturers.
Alle   A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
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Text/Pictures for India 
  Manufacturers by alphabet Model count Models with Total Text about manufacturer available
Total <1930 >1942 Pictures available Schematics available Images and schematics available Tubes available Transistors available Pictures available Schematics available
  1 | 0   1 1       1 8   1
  2 | 2   2 2       2 2   3
1 Images about maker available 1 | 0   1 1 1 1   1 6 4 2
1 Images about maker available 4 | 0   4 4 2 2 1 3 38 1 1
  2 | 0   2 2       1 6   1
1 Images about maker available 10 | 0   10 10     9   78   1
  6 | 0   6 5 1   6   24 2 1
  1 | 0 1
  2 | 0   2 2     2   12   1
1 Images about maker available 7 | 0   7 7     7   19   1
  1 | 0   1 1     1   7   1
  1 | 0 1
2 Images about maker available 9 | 0   9 9 1 1 3 4 57 1 1
  1 | 0   1 1       1 10   1
1 Images about maker available 2 | 0   2 2       2 12   1
  101 | 0   101 98 74 71 67 28 423 324 3
1 Images about maker available 1 | 0   1 1     1   4   1
  2 | 0   2 2     2   13   1
  3 | 0   3 3     2   16   2
  2 | 0   2 2     2   11   1
  2 | 0   2 2     2   15   3
Under the term radio manufacturer, we also include producers, for example, of parts of radios, "radio-related equipment", etc. produced for companies or commercial radio. Manufacturers of old radios are as covered as completely as possible for the German-speaking countries, but only partially for other countries. There are thousands of radio manufacturers.

Text/Pictures for India



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